How You Met

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-you were down at the quarry with friends
-you and Bill ran into each other
-much stuttering
-"i-i'm s-s-s-sorry. i'm uh-"
-"that's Bill, hi, i'm Richie but you can call me your future boyfriend."
-"sh-sh-shut up Richie!"

-you and Richie were assigned as partners for a project
-hated each other
-but then you dropped you pencil
-you picked it up
-he saw your boobs
-Richie.exe has stopped working

-you had a vision of It
-freak out mode activated
-you curled into a ball right in the middle of the pharmacy
-Eddie saw and comforted you
-fucking goals

-The Bowers Gang got you
-Mike was there as well
-Mike is your best friend btw
-they hurt Mike while trying to get you to uhm... yep
-angry Jew mode activated
-Stan starts a rock war
-much thanks

-walking around town alone
-great idea *eyeroll*
-Greta being the bitch she is decided to chase you down
-Mike saw and made you get on his bike.
-he took you back to the farm

-you were at the library checking some stuff out to read for the Summer
-Ben was also there doing some research on Derry
-asks you for a certain book. (we know it)
-you show and give him the book
-bitch shook
-you shook
-we all shook

-you were being picked on by Greta
-fucking bitch
-you ran to the bathroom
-Beverly was there too (hi bitch)
-the bitch came in and you witnessed the pouring of the sludge
-puke was involved
-but you met Bev so...

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