The level one

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I sigh at the fact that I had a shit weapon once again, it wasn't my first rodeo with a broken sword though, on my +72 run on Nora Intelia, I was told to only use the broken straight sword or else I would get sent back to the beginning once again. I then aim the broken tip at him as I grip the sword a bit tighter, I even did my stance and held the inner middle part of my arm with my left hand, I wanted to teach this guy a lesson, but I knew it would be a extremely difficult. "What am I saying? This isn't my first battle with the odds against me!" I then hear the teacher say out loud, "THE BATTLE BETWEEN THESE TWO WILL NOW COMMENCE!" He then dashes in as I easily predict his next move, he swerves right and tries to fluke me but I parry him with my hand and stab the edge of the broken blade into his stomach, expecting nothing to happen as he would jump back and try to swing at me again. But I hear him cough as a liquid hits my neck, and as I shove him off, I feel what he spit on me. "Blood?" I then look down at him as he laid there with a gaping wound! I then hear, "HE.... WON..." I couldn't believe it myself as his friend came in and checked his pulse, he then stands up and summons a short sword as he comes and swings at me from the right,  but I parry him with the handle of my weapon as I jab him face, unknowingly bashing his skull in as he flies into the wall of the arena, leaving a human shaped mark in the concrete! "GO STOP THEM TEACHERS, SECURITY!" The horde of mages and stuff surround us as Karen grabs my right wrist and drags me with her, I unsummon the weapon too as I get a quick glimpse of Bianca watching me from the sidelines where everyone beyond level 50 ignored me. And after a couple minutes of getting dragged along like a bad dog, Karen takes me to an office where all these trophies covered the walls, and behind the desk with the computer was a old man with a wizard beard that reached down to what I guessed was his feet. "Sit down youngster." I comply and sit in the chair in front of him as he holds his hands together and says, "I heard you took out a guy in the thirties and his buddy in the twenties, and you're level 1 right?" I shrug and reply, "That's what they've told me. Kind of sucks honestly." He then asks, "And you came from which world?" I reply, "Nora Intelia. That place suuucked, you know what I mean?" He looks confused as he looks through his computer, file after file as he asks Karen, "Have you ever heard of that place?" She nods no as I ask, "Yeah, It's the one with the dark lords and the incredibly unforgiving difficulty that makes you return to square one if you die. You know the final boss Draedar right? Man was he a tough asshole hehe." I recalled those moments of hatred coursing through my veins every time he killed me. He then says worriedly, "Youngster, out of all those 98 worlds out there, I have never heard of that place before. Unless.." I look around at the two and ask a bit mad, "What is it?" She then asks, "No sir, he couldn't have gone to world 100 could he? That's not possible.." He then asks, "Tell me your story boy, I'll listen to it with my full attention." I shrug and think, "Finally, I can get some recognition for my hard work, took them long enough to ask me." I then continue to explain for around an hour, summing up the story as I told him the dark lord names, my goal, and the hundred new world+ that were the worst part. He even started to get pale as I told him that no matter how far I went, If I died I would be sent back to when I first arrive there, no acceptations. Karen was baffled too as she never said a single word, she didn't dare interrupt my horror story that went on forever as I end with, "And after all those millions of deaths, I finally beat Draedar in Nora Intelia+100 and get sent back here, by the way, how long have you guys known that I was taken?" He stays silent for a moment as I see that he was trying to piece everything together. "You have been away for ten years..." TEN FUCKING YEARS? I swear that wasn't even how long it felt! He continues, "No doubt that it sounds like the forbidden world Karen, he is the sole survivor. Astonishing." He sits back in his fancy office chair as Karen grabs my hand and asks with a pity expression as well, "And after all that you are level 1? But how?"  I had no idea either as the old man strokes his beard and guessed, "Well there is the possibility that his level of power is so beyond our systems limits that it reset back onto one. A power glitch in other words, but I have never heard or seen it before." I feel a bit relieved that I was actually pretty strong, heck maybe they'll put me in with the pros now and.. "You will have to continue going up in the arena though youngster, you have to show us how strong you are. And your summon weapon should be a broken straight sword right?" I summon it in front of him as I attempt to hand it over, but he backs up just on time as it falls and breaks through the floor and continues doing it until it hits the ground! The three of us rush down stairs as a group had already formed around my weapon! We push past the kids and people as a random guy grabs the handle and tries to pick it up, but it doesn't budge one bit as a tall blonde boy who slicked his hair back pushed him to the side and said with a cocky grin, "You all are weaklings compared to me, the legendary level 67!" He then tries to pick it up with one hand, but he quickly realizes how it still didn't budge as he tried with all of his strength, shouting at the top of his lungs as the debris of the floors began to rise causing a whirlwind of power to circulate between everyone, and as they all covered their faces and tried to stand up straight, I stood there and even walked towards my sword. I then tap him on the shoulder as he lets go and looks at me with an expression that would usually scare me off, but I had a way to scare him. "Oh, sorry guys, I dropped this by accident." I then grab the tip of the handle with my finger and thumb as I flip it in the air and catch it with ease, it didn't feel like anything new, it felt just like a broken sword would, so I didn't get why.. "GIVE THAT BACK FOOL!" He shouts and grabs it as I let go, it falls to the ground and smashes his hand as he screamed in agony, "TAKE IT OFF! PLEASE, OH MY GOD THIS IS.. HELP!" I felt worried as I grab it and unsummon it, letting him cry as he gets lead to the nurse's office. I then scratch the back of my head as the kids all had the same looking expressions, they all were checking my level as they looked shocked at the 1. I then hear Karen say into my ear, "Go back to the office now." I nod and dash off and run back up to the room that now had a hole in it. And as soon as he sat down, I say, "Sorry about the hole sir." He waves it off and replies, "No, you're good. You've proven your strength to me and now I will always keep my eyes on you, I have high hopes for you youngster, and your name was what again?" Karen says in my place, "Alan Danning." He then nods in understanding as he nods at her to let me go for the day, and as I catch on to this he says, "Go and rest son, you will go through the arena tomorrow." I finally am what I have always wanted to be! A hero with power! But did I have anything besides this sword and my strength? I had no clue but stand up as I stretch my arms above my head and leave back outside where I get inside of a bus that was heading near my address. And as I sit there in  the ripped leather seat, I wonder if I will ever be higher than my level. I sigh with a grin as I get off the bus and head into my place, and as I blow up the mattress again, I fall onto it and think, "How am I still living here ten years later?" I  figured that everything would sort itself out in time as I cozied up to the dirty mattress and fall to sleep.

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