Chapter 2: The new girl

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*Three months later*

I took a long shower, came out and dressed up. I wore a pair of leggings with a blue shirt, I put my hair in a ponytail form.

The new clothes I bought for school, my mom said they were inappropriate and she doesn't want me to wear them but I refused and we had a serious argument, until she finally agreed

I stared at myself in the mirror, damn I'm thick , it's time to live my life, finally I'm free but not that free

I picked up my bag and my new iPhone, and walked downstairs. My mom bought me a new phone with internet and all that because she wants to be able to call me while I'm away.

She's resuming her job today too, thank goodness. She works in an oil company, and she earns a lot so we're kinda rich, and I have enough money I saved from all the years I spent at home without buying anything.

"Morning mom" I greeted

"Morning my baby, how are you feeling?" She smiled pitifully at me

"I'm feeling real good mum, I'm just so happy" I grinned hard at her

"Wow, I haven't seen you this happy for a while now" she said while taking a sip of her coffee

"Actually I haven't been happy for a long time now, anyway how are you preparing for work?" I changed the subject while going to the dining table to pick an Apple

"Oh I'm quite happy to resume, to see my colleagues and others, its a good vibe"

"Alright, anyway I'm off to school, see you later" I said while walking towards the door

"Don't you want me to accompany you incase you get lost?" She said

"No, I'm fine on my own, good day!" I shut the door and entered my car quickly and drove to my new school.

I arrived at the parking lot of the school, I saw so many cars and I searched for a space to park mine until I saw one. I decided to park my car there.

I came down from the car and everyone turned to look at me. Some had their mouths open, some had their hands over their mouth

Ain't I pretty or what?

Why the hell are they looking at me like that?

I heard the horn of a car, I turned to see a black shiny car (I'm not saying the name cause I know nothing about cars)

The owner of the car got out, a blonde haired boy came out, strolled towards me and said "Hey, you parked your car on our space"

"Oh man I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"Wait you're the new girl?" He asked

"What? New girl? I'm new here but I don't know if I'm 'the new girl' " I said while confused

"Oh well I'm Nick, nice to meet you" he politely brought out his hands for me to shake

I shook his hands and said "I'm jade, nice to meet you too" I smiled while my heart was racing

Holy smoke, he's fucking hot, shit

"I'm so sorry I parked here, maybe I'll just go find somewhere else" I said

"Oh no its fine, we'll park behind the cafeteria, there's space there too"

"Dude why don't you let her park her fucking car elsewhere and not on our spot"

I looked to see a brown haired mixed guy with a nose and ear piercing, he looks like a bad guy but he doesn't have any black leather jacket on

He seems rude though, but he's on fire damn, are the guys here really this hot

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