Chapter 3

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I stood at my locker waiting patiently for Beatrice and Kira ,I didn't like waiting for anything at all, I'm impatient, especially in the morning like this.

"Hey Jade" I looked up to see Nick grinning

I said "hey Nick" I put my phone in my jean pocket

"Can I walk you to class?" He asked

"Hmm" I looked round and no sign of Beatrice or Kira anywhere, "Okay fine, let's go"

We walked together to class while he told me all about himself, he was a fast talker though.


I watched them from afar while they talked and smiled. She just came to this school last week and she has already caught Nick's attention, something I've been trying to do since 8th grade. He did notice me but he only did when he wants to ask for something or a favor.

She's looking around, why?, I think he just asked her to let him walk her to class. I need to do something about this.

I walked to class while thinking if what to do about her.


During lunch I sat with Beatrice, Kira and Carlos. Kira hasn't said a word to me since morning though. I've apologised a thousand times for not waiting for them this morning, Beatrice has forgiven me already but kira hasn't, she's really tough.

"Hey jade" I looked up to see Nick

I said "Hey"

"After school could you wait for me at the parking lot?" He asked while bending close to my ear

"Yeah sure" I nodded

"Alright, catch ya later" he winked at me and said "oh I'm sorry Jade's friends, how y'all doing"

Beatrice and Carlos both said they're fine but kira kept staring at the food in front of her

Nick asked while scratching his head "uhh.. Is she okay?"

Me, Beatrice and Carlos shrugged

He said "well, maybe today is not a good day to talk to you, uh see you later..." He trailed off

Kira looked up at him and gave a small nod

Nick smiled and said "alright see you later jade", he drew the attention back to me and licked his lower lip before going, he's always doing that, even in class when no one's looking, and now I think I'm wet underneath. Hormones!.

"Uh excuse me I gotta use the toilet" I excused myself before going to the toilet.

In there I dipped my hands in my panties to feel how wet I was. Damn just by licking his lips he made you wet? What's gonna happen if he kisses you then? I mentally asked myself

I quickly came out after fixing my self up, if you know what I mean. I walked out of the toilet back to the cafeteria.


After school, I walked to my car to see Nick leaning on his car next to mine while playing with his phone

"You waiting for me huh?" I asked

He looked up and said"Oh hey jade, yeah I am"

"Okay, so what's up?" I asked him

"I just wanted to hang out with you on Saturday at my crib, my house is gonna be free"

"Mm what's gonna happen" I asked cause I've never been to a guy's house before

"Anything you want, I just want to know you more" he said

"Okay I'll be there, text me the address"

"I don't have your number" he wiggled his phone in his hand

"Oh yeah right" I quickly typed my number and said "Alright, gotta go, see you later" I entered my car and drove off.


I watched her walk to her car where nick was, immediately they started talking and were smiling as usual.

Then she collected his phone and typed something which I think is her number. After that she said something before walking to enter her car through the driver's side

I watched how he stared at her ass while she walked and rolled my eyes.

I really hate her, she thinks she's so hot, can't wait to destroy her.


I know this chapter is short but next chapter will be longer and much interesting and smuttier, lol

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