Chapter 13

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-Ashtons' POV-

"Did you get it?" Iris asked when I walked into the living room. I nodded, and her her phone. She looked at the picture of Piper and Michael kissing, and started grinning.

"Why'd you want the picture anyways?" I asked, and sat beside her. She had a mischief look on her face, and I gave her a look. "What are you planning?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she said. "I just know it'll come in handy one day." I laughed at her, and grabbed her hand. When we came back after seeing Piper tackle her, MIchael went straight to Piper, and Luke and Calum went to the bathrooms so I asked her to be my girlfriend. I was so happy when she said yes, so yep there's that.

Luke and Calum came back, and sat down on the couch, and soon Michael and Piper walked into the room laughing. Me and Iris smirked at them, and their faces went pink, which made us laugh. Luke and Calum gave us weird looks, but we just shrugged them off.

"Mean Girls?" Piper asked.

"Yeah!" Luke cheered. We all laughed, but he just glared at us.

"I'll put it on," Iris said with a laugh. We all sat down, and Iris went to Netflix, and started it. I drape my arm over Iris shoulder, and she rested her head in my chest. I smiled at her, and played with her hair while watching the movie.

-Iris' POV-

I was almost asleep near th middle of the movie, I was honestly extremely comfortable in Ashtons' arms. I glanced around, and almost laughed at the sight. Luke and Calum were cuddling, Luke had his arm around Calum, and Calum was asleep on his shoulder. Michael and Piper were asleep with Pipers head on his shouldr, and his head ontop of hers. I saw Luke almost asleep, and giggled. He looked at me confused, and i pointed to Piper and Michael, the Calum. He looked and also laughed, and the Ashton did too. I saw Luke taking pictures, and then my phone vibrated. I looked and saw he posted pics of Calum, and Michael asleep. i guess he cropped Piper out, which is good, there's already so much happening. I laughed, favorited and retweeted it.

"Should we wake them up?" Luke asked. I shrugged, and continued watching the movie. I closed my eyes near the end, still tired. I ended up falling asleep though.

-Pipers' POV-

-Next Day-

"Wake up," someone said. I groaned, and turned on my side. "Piper come one." I slowly opened my eyes, expecting nothing but brightness but was surprised when I saw nothing but the TV giving off light.

"Huh?" I said. I rubbed my eyes, and yawned. I looked up, and saw Iris there with the guys. "What is it?"

"You and Iris are coming to sound check with us today." Calum informed me. I looked confused, and since I just woke up, it took me a while to get what they were saying. I nodded and stoop up.

"When are we leaving?" I asked. I realized why whenever I wake up I never speak until I have something to drink, sounds like I'm sick.

"Are you ok?" Michael asked. I nodded my head. Yeah, I knew I sounded sick.

"Yeah," I said. "Let me get a drink real quick." I walked past them into the kitchen, and grabbed a Vanilla Coke. Opening it, I tok a sip, then walked into the living room.

"When are we going?" I asked, my voice not so sick sounding anymore.

"In like an hour and a half," Luke said. I nodded my head.

"Wait," I said realiing something. "Don't you guys have to go get your clothes and all?"

"We packed just in case," Ashton shrugged. I nodded, and headed upstairs, Iris following me.

"We'll be back," Iris told them. They nodded ad sat down on the couches.

I walked into the bathroom, and closed and locked the door. I stripped, hoping into the shower. After, I wrapped a towel around myself, and brushed my teeth, hair, and washed my face. Sighing, I realized I forgot clothes to bring. Grabbing my dirty clothes, I opened the door quietly, and peeked into the hall. When I saw no one, I ran to my room. Shutting my door and locking it, I went to my closet. Grabbing some leggings, one of my brothers sweatshirts I took, a beanie and my Ugg boots, I changed, and left walking downstairs.

"Iris ready yet?" Ashton asked from

The couch. I sat beside Michael, and layed down, my head in his lap and my feet in Lukes lap.

"She should be done soon," I said. And just as I said that, she walked downstairs dressed in leggings, sweatshirt, boots, and a bandana as a headband. "See," I said. "wish I could've slept a bit though," I mumbled. Michael must've heard, and chuckled. I sat up, and went walked to Iris.

"What?" she asked.

"You guys woke me up really early," I said and crossed my arms. "So I feel like annoying you."

"Oh good for me," she said with a sigh. We left my house, and I grabbed my keys and iPhone. We walked to the tour bus which was parked outside, and we all piled in. We drove to where they were performing tonight, and I got to sleep on Michaels bunk.

"Piper," someone said. I groaned again, and turned over. It felt like only a second I was asleep. "Wake up." I still didnt open my eyes, and tried to sleep again. That was, until something soft and warm landed on my lips. Openin my eyes in surprise, Michael pulled away and smiled. "Hey you're up now."

I blushed and smacked his arm. "How long was I asleep for?"

"Around a half hour," he said and shrugged. "Anyways, we're here, so c'mon." Sighing, I hopped off the bunk, and walked out of the bus to where everyone else was.

When we walked out of the bus, everyone started walking towards the entrance. Today would be interesting, I just had this feeling.


Hey loves! Sorry if this chapter's a bit shorter than usual. Anyways, the week after next week Im going to camp and won't be able to update. But i'll write the next chapters for each story on the way thee and back since I'm not aloud to have it at camp. But that's all, bye!

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