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One day a boy named James and his best friend, Ryan were playing Mario cart wii. "Hey I bet you 100,000 dollars that you can't beat me at Mario cart wii." Said Ryan. "Ok then it's a bet." James said grabbing his wii remote. While they were playing James' mom came in and asked the boys if they wanted some ice cream. "Ya I'll be out right now, come on Ryan!" James yelled out the door. "Ok coming!" Yelled Ryan with a smirk on his face. At the time James was winning. So Ryan switched wii remotes with James. And James didn't even notice when he came back."Hey you missed ice cream." James said picking up HIS wii remote. "Oh um I didn't want any." Ryan said sitting on the couch. "Ok let's get back to the game loser!!!!!" James yelled. "We'll see who looses." Ryan said under his breath. It was the final lap and James was losing. Ryan was way ahead if him. But then James got a power up and zoomed right passed Ryan and onto the finish line. "Oh ya you lost uh huh!!!" James yelled in victory. "What no I was supposed to win ugh!!!!" Ryan yelled in rage. "Gimme the 100,000 dollars fool!!!" James said sticking out his hand for the money. "Ugh but I don't have it on me." Ryan said checking his pockets . "Well you brought monopoly right, so gimme all of the Monopoly money." James said happily. "Ok then at least I get to keep my Money and my princess piggy bank." Ryan said giving the Monopoly money to James. "Wanna play again?" Asked James. "Sure." Ryan said grabbing his original wii remote. So the two of them played until the were grandpas.

THE END!!!!!!!!👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴👴

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