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Hello Dear Readers :)

I am here with a new short tale and this one is a gift to a wonderful Friend of mine and a talented writer as you all know her... Sweetiee (Suearmaniac)...

She has created such a beautiful characters with her magical writing and I fall in love with her Kabir and Aashna and I can't help but do some experiment with KaSh... I know i can't do any justice to her original characters... But still I hope you enjoy my version of KaSh...

I hope Sweetiee you like this gift of mine... Happy Birthday...Stay happy...Stay blessed always!!

The title credit of this story goes to one of my Friend Shamu14... She so wanted me to write on this title



A light wind whirled around, touching the soft white and purple feathers of the dream catcher hanging in the balcony... In the hot afternoon outside the small balcony was seemingly peaceful with green plants, beautiful hanging baskets adorned with tiny colorful flowers, artificial soft grass carpet adding the beauty of the balcony with green two seated swing standing on one side with colorful cushions thoughtfully arranged on it and a small brown bean bag placed on the other side with small round coffee table beside... Sliding glass door of the balcony was locked; from inside the sheer white drapes covering the glass door and the whole house inside was eerily silent. It was always in afternoon as the residents of the house were at their respective jobs at this hour, Mr. Shashank Mathur was in his office, Mrs. Padma Mathur in clinic, Shravan Mathur, Elder Son of the house was busy now a days with his recordings as he was working on his first music album and the youngest member of the house Aashna Mathur... Who was doing her medical internship and must be in hospital at this hour...

It was two thirty in the afternoon and the main door of the house clicked open breaking the silence lingered in house...

"I am done with this" A very frantic Aashna Mathur walked inside followed by her best friend Sakshi... Throwing her bag on the sofa she walked towards the balcony and moved the drapes aside... Sliding the glass door open she stepped in the balcony and that wonderful sight helped to calm down her irritation... It was all her hard work that the small balcony had turned into something delightful...

"This is the most peaceful place in your house...thoughtfully decorated..." Words chimed in her mind and she chuckled caressing the soft feathers of the dream catcher...

"So, you gonna give up?" Sakshi asked walking in the balcony and sat on green two seated swing...

Aashna sighed sitting beside her, "This is not helping Sakshi" Pushing the sleeves of her nautical strip dress shirt up, that she had paired with white jeans, she pressed her forehead with all ten fingers..., "After every test the result is negative only" "Isn't there any other method?"

"Whose test result?" A voice traveled from the door and she looked up, "Why you are looking stressed out?" "Are you handling any serious case?" Series of questions and she huffed looking at the person who walked inside...

"Hi..."Almost six feet four inch tall guy dressed in black ripped jeans and grey tee smiled warmly looking towards Sakshi

"Hi Shravan..." she returned his gesture sweetly

"Long time, no see" He asked while walking in the balcony and slouched on the bean bag comfortably, stretching his legs ahead... His questioning gaze shifted from Sakshi towards Aashna as she scowled

"Bhai... Why you are home early today?"

"What's with this inquiry?" He raised his brows, "What's going on here, huh?"

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