Chapter 10

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*********Short flashback

Later that day I busied myself with work and all.
I had so many things to work into..

I was busy reading some paper work when I heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in.. "

My secretary,  Lilian opened the door to my office and along with her was my good friend Jericho but he wasn't alone..

I stood up to welcome them, putting my pen down.

"This is a surprise Jericho.." I said as look at him, surprised with his presence especially that he has someone with him as well.

"I know..  But I have someone I thought you should meet " he said while he and the man with him, steps  inside my office..

" Okay.." I look at the both of them and gestured them towards the sofas where they can sit.
I straighten my dress and walked towards the same direction as Jericho and his company, that still hasn't been introduced to me.

" I apologize for coming without telling you Abe and by the way, this is Mr. Al, he contacted me yesterday asking when is the best day to meet with you, he said that he was a good friend of your father's, this is Abe Mr. Al."
Jericho went and introduced the two of us.

I looked at the man, as he stood up with a smile on his face , I step forward to meet him..

"Dear,  it's so nice to see you all grown up and very beautiful if I may say" he said as he touched Jericho's shoulder and facing me.

He looked like he was in his early 40's ,very striking with almost 6' in height and very fit considering his obvious age lines and gray hair starting to show. He has a very friendly aura along with him.

"I'm sorry,  I bet you don't remember me you were so little the last time I saw you" he continues, as his smile grew wider as he takes a good look at me.

I smiled.

"Hi Mr. Al,  good morning, its a pleasure meeting you"

I took his hand and shook it, trying to think of any time if my father did mention him before,  but if I asked my mom maybe she would remember him.

I motioned for us to take a seat as I am curious as to why Mr. Al came to visit.

"Thank you for the compliment ,Jericho here mentioned that you were a friend of my dad? I'm sorry I can't remember, I must've been very young then."

"No worries dear, it's alright.. I assume your father rarely, if not, never mentioned me before? " he asked as he look around my office and to the family picture that I have on my office table,  where I often look at whenever I miss my dad.
I look at the picture and back to the man who claims to be a friend of my father's, he looks down his hands and looks at me again.

"It's been so long, I don't think I can recall any.. I'm sorry, but if you're here for anything I can help you with, any friend of my father's is very welcome" I said trying to change the mood.

He suddenly sat straight and looked like he just remembered something.

"Ahh yes, thank you for reminding me dear, I tried to reach out to your assistant because I just came back here from living abroad for so long,  one of the reasons I was not here when Phil was... But I'm here now..  and I'd like to invite you,  my wife is throwing a party because our family is staying here again cause it seems like my son is building his own business here..  It's going to be a charity event and there's gonna be so much going on..  I know you're busy and everything but if you and your mother can make it, it would mean so much to me"

I looked at Jericho,  asking him with my eyes if I can say no, and looked at Mr. Al again,  him and his eyes expecting and hoping for me to agree.

Then he stood up, took out his wallet from his pants and out came a photo. He looked at the photo for a few seconds then smiled.

"I just hope that maybe with you there,  it would be a reunion of good old pals, you took so much from him and I'm sure wherever he is, he's one proud dad, I would.. "

He gave the photo to me and I saw a younger version of my father, arms around the younger looking version of the man in front of me, smiling at the camera and by his side my mother smiling along with them, along with another woman at Mr. Al's side.

"It was one of those moments that you want to go back everytime and just stop and think how lucky you are to have amazing friends"

I look up to him, seeing him smile but with invisible tears welling up his eyes, it left me speechless for a moment.

I look at Jericho and he nodded.

"You guys looked so young then" I say,  trying to lighten the mood.

I heard him chuckle and gave the photo back to him.

I stood up and with a single nod, his smile grew wider and he engulfed me in a fatherly hug.

"Thank you dear, please tell Ellie that I would love it if she comes too"

"Of course.. I'll tell her you visited" I said as he let go of me.

"I'll bet she'll be excited to see you again"

"I hope so, it has been a long time, I hope she's not mad or something" he said half smiling.

I thought about what he said, why would mom be mad at him,  then I remembered, if he was indeed their friend, why was he absent when my father, his friend died, but that was not my line to say..

"It's alright, I'm sure.. Whatever it is she'll understand"

He scratch the back of his face and we heard his phone ringing.

He took out his phone and smiled.

"I'm sorry dear but it seems like I need to go, wife's calling..  I'll call Jericho the details.. I'll be expecting you"

He hugged me one more time and Jericho escorted him out of my office while he answered his phone.

"See you soon dear" he called out when they were about to go out the door of my office and wave his hand.

I waved back and smiled back.


No editing, no prof reading..  Sorry took so long, my dad just got a surgery and we were very busy.

Sorry for the typos

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