Chapter 13

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So... I'm not really sure if someone would actually read this. Hahaha hopefully...
If you're reading this.. Thank you so much.


It has been three weeks since the talk with my mother, and since then it has been nothing but happiness to me seeing her smiling and happy.
The progress that we have with the garden had grown tremendously and we make it a point to talk to each other as much as possible.

Back in the office though ****

“Knock, knock….” Comes Lea’s voice.

“It’s open Lea, you can come in” she could’ve just knock, like any normal person, but hey.. I should’ve known better.

“So… a little birdie told me we have some sort of celebration coming up” she walks up to my table with lollipop in her mouth.

“If by little birdie, you mean the invitation Jericho sent out via email to all the executives in regards to the ball we’ll be arranging for our Asian associates then what’s up with it?, You also know it's an annual thing right?” I respond flatly as I look at Lea under my lashes.
“I’m surprise you even asked permission to come in.” my focus is still on the reports and papers in front of me.

“Hmmmmmm… sarcasm suits you Abe” she laughs as she sat down.
“And here I thought you’re no longer a stuck up” she continues.

“I’m not a stuck up Lea” with a deep sigh, I put away all the papers in front of me.
“I’m just stressed and pressured is all”.

“You?... pressure and stress are your middle name sister, remember the past few years” she laughs.

“You’re right.. If anything it should’ve been less stressful now”.

“Correct, so what’s up?”

“Aside from Mom asking me to come to the company ball” I say as I close my eyes with mental exhaustion.

“Wait…. You’re going to the ball?!” Lea is so surprise it’s offensive.

“I mean partly it’s also obligatory for the CEO to attend the annual company ball…”

“But you’ve always made excuses not to come, that’s why Jericho goes every year” Lea said.

“Yes, I know this, but since Ma decided to come this year and invited James, she mentioned that it would be great to have both of us there, I mean she’s still not comfortable being around so much people.” I stated as I look at her.
“She also said it would be time for me to meet James”

“Right.. who are you coming with? Your date, I mean” she asks as she stands up and takes a look at the papers I’m looking at.

“I’ll ask Jericho”

“Sorry girl, I asked Jericho to be my date” Lea stated nonchalantly.

“Since when?!!”

“Since the past 2 years I’ve been attending it”

“But Jericho’s my secretary”. I countered.

“Sorry girl, first come, first serve.” The grin that this girl has is obviously planning something.

“Well, I don’t really need a date do I?” I say as I put away all the documents on my table.

I stood up and move towards Lea.

“You know, I can fix that” she waves the paper in front of her.

“Save it, I don’t even think I’ll stay long in the ball, I’ll socialize a bit and try to talk to everyone as much as possible.” I say as I caught the document and put it a top everything else on my table.

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