Survival is crucial

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okay, so this is my first story I uploaded onto wattpad, it isn't the best as it was like a quick thing but I wanted to have atleast one story on there so it was just very brief. I will be writing a fanfic and other stuff as well so please be patient :)


Only eight more hours to go and we are in Thailand" I said dancing around in my seat.

I have been waiting more than a year and finally I am on the plane with my sister Alison and my parents having the best time ever, yes the plane trip is taking ages especially when you're so impatient but I'm sure I won't die.

The plane has great games and the movies were awesome, I found them funny and it took my mind off the plane trip. Half way through the movie I fell asleep and had a picturesque moment on what I believed Thailand will look like.

Suddenly I heard screaming and thumping, I wake up and see everyone sweating I wondered why, I looked to my left and saw Alison struggling to breathe like an athlete who has ran a marathon. I asked her if she was okay but she didn't answer and kept panting loudly, everyone around me were worried and anxiousness, the paleness of their faces was as whiter than a ghost.

Survival is crucialWhere stories live. Discover now