Survival is crucial

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It was dead can even hear a pin drop, I raised my head and the first thing I saw was my family with their eyes closed, blood trickling down their forehead everywhere and breathing. I burst into tears, I felt hopeless and lonely as the reality was a truth I couldn't admit. My. Family. Didn't. Survive.

I heard a lady at the back of the plane saying "ANYONE ALIVE?" I yelled to her and she quickly followed my voice and helped me untangle my seatbelt as I was stuck under it. I thanked her and we both crawled out as the roof of the plane was very low and was moments away from blowing up.

Survival for me was so important! I touched the side of my head and my whole palm was covered in blood, my clothes were mostly ripped and my arm had big bruises. Shelly (lady) and I made it just before the roof of the plane came smashing down squishing innocent passengers inside.

We both sat there staring and hopelessly watching our loved ones burn. It was agonizing and painful. I bawled my eyes out as Shelly was comforting me. We waited for rescue crew to find us as we waved our hands above our heads; the helicopter came with examiners looking at the plane and the causes of the plane crash.

After a few months Shelly and I got told that someone played around with the engines causing it to shut down. I was very angry and at that stage weak. Shelly was so kind, she let me live with her and her child Suzie as she legally had me under her name.

Survival is crucialOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora