Survival is crucial

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Mum was screaming out to me to protect Alison and to stay calm as we will get through this. I couldn't help getting teary as the plane now started to swivel from side to side, it started chucking flips and this time the passengers were delirious and started screaming, the babies cried, kids were screaming till their lungs flipped out of place, people clinging on to each other, people praying and people saying their goodbyes. The flight attendant was talking but I hardly heard a word she was saying.

The oxygen masks came dangling down just after she stopped talking and we all put them on, I helped Alison with hers and the pilot made an announcement telling us to put our life jackets on which is found under our chairs. I put it on and again helped Alison, I said my last prayer and thought to put my head down and hands around my ankles. Before some people had a chance to put it on the plane crashed and BOOM! The back of the plane was in half and the fire was wildly burning.

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