a boy and a girl

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A boy and a girl
Meet so young
After awhile they become one
Play at the park
Lay in the fields
Nothing can break a loving heart
You are almost out of school
She is almost and adult
You are ready to surprise her but
She is broken and your love is all that is holding her
But she's beyond fixing  and you didn't know
You wait till the day you can celebrate her life
But little did you know how literal it was
A boy and a girl
Meet so young
Those years were so fun
The clock hits midnight
She sends you a text
You read " I love you for the rest of my life"
You smile
You cry
You know she said goodbye
You call you run
Life with her way so much fun
You make it you see
She's where she needs to be
She sitting on the porch
Her light like a dying torch
You hug her and cry
She's about to die
She pulls you close
And whispers in your ear

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