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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Waking up was a doozey. Having to wobble out of bed, try to tame my messy hair, brush my teeth with the overwhelming taste of mint, just to almost fall down the stairs to use your last bit of energy to cook/reheat food. I hated getting up. It's just so hard! Anyways, I had wandered downstairs and had taken my bread I had bought yesterday and I started to cut. One slice, Two slices, Three slices, Four slices, in the end, I have around 11 slices. Taking two of the slice, I got my jam from the fridge. Getting a butter knife, I opened the jam jar and spread the jam over the two slices of bread that were freshly cut. After putting the jam back in the fridge, I stuck the two slices of bread together and I took a bite. In a few seconds, the sandwich was gone. I Went back upstairs and got my phone. Finding I had gotten a text from Albert, I read it carefully. 

"Hey wanna come over to my house and watch some Disney movies?"

"Sure! I'd love to"

A few minutes later...

"Great! (Insert address) is where I live come over at around 7:00"

"Will do"

Great! Now I should get a video out from my youtube channel. Moving up the stairs and into my recording room, I check my Gmail first, as always.  I got an e-mail from somebody I didn't know, and I never give out my personal Gmail. I opened it and found out that it was sent by (X/BF/N). 

Hey (Y/N), it's (X/BF/N)

I know you probably don't like me anymore but I wanted to re-connect. I know our relationship didn't work, but I was wondering if we can still be friends? I have a free movie pass for two people, and I wanted to know you wanted to come with me on Tuesday? I live at (Insert different address) and my phone number is (Insert phone number). I hope you get back to me. I'm sorry for what I said to you, and I hope you can forgive me. Thanks for reading this. Please respond, but it's okay if you don't. Have a good day.

sincerely, (X/BF/N)

Oh, So... He's not venting at me, but he wants to be friends? I guess I could go, it is only Saturday. I mean, free movie! I thought about what to say for like 15 minutes. I finally liked what I would respond with and I sent it.

Alright, I'll go but know that I'm still kinda mad at you. Just... Be careful what you say. I'll meet up with you at Green Tree Park. Be there at around 8:00 A.M. I' ll be waiting at that time. If you aren't there by 8:45 I'm leaving. Hope you get this and Bye. 

It's good enough. Now I just have to wait until 7:00 and I'll be off it Albert's place. I played a random game recommended to me by my fans and I made a video of my playing that. After editing and uploading the video, I pulled up Netflix and I watched random shows until it was time to go to Albert's place.


Okay, Hi there! I'm just here to say that I totally re-did Chapter two. I also made some changes to clear up the confusion. Have a good day everyone! Also, most of the movies will be taking place in chapter 8 so the next chapter will be faster than this chapter because nothing really happens.

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