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Brendan pov

"Omg mum why do i hev to buy the milk its not fear!!!!" I sed to my mum with an angry fece.
"Wel i hed to buy your tikets for furry con bc u a broke ass bits n i want somting beck okay!!! Why hevnt you start workin yet??!?!?!"
"Im scerd my enxiety is veri bed ya now!" I almoost start crieng omg why my mom laik dis omg i heet her sm.
"Ok now go get the melk." my mum turns around n walks awey.
I better go get de melk bc maybie my mother woont let mie go to furry con n omg i cant let thet happen!!

Omg so much milk witch one do i have to get.
I start to panic!
"You okay?" I hear a very shrexy voice asking behind me.
I turn araund n see the most beautyfull brown eys watching me.
"Eh oh eh yes yes im okay!!"
"You sur???" the beautiful boi asked.
"Yeah I just dont now wich melk i hev to buy there r so much."
He pointed to one milkpack and ill get it. I didnt saw he also tried to get it so our hends toutch. I look up and we look each oter in de eys. I feel my cheeks turn red.
After a few secons, wat seemed lik hours, the handsom boi looks away n walks away.
I stare at him as he walks fest awey.
I took the melk the boi recommended me and walk back home without paying for it bc im a bad bits yo cant kill meh.

At night wen im layin in my bed i cant stop thinking about te boi. He was so handsome omg i wanna see him egain why didnt i ask his name so i could stalk him on social media im so stoopid i can wel cryen. N so i did i started crying myself to sleep lik i do evry nigt.

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