after furrycon

22 2 3

Brendun pov

Ryan n i talked de whole day. Idk where Kehba is butt idc xd.

"Oh shit furrycon almoost end." Ryan sais.
"Ah fuk, i gues i hav to goe then." I say wif a sad fase.

We walk to de train. Ryan is with his car.

"Fuk fuk fuk fuk i missed my train n it was the last ane ryding." I say hoopless.
"You can go with me." Ryan sed quitly.
"Realy??? Im not a last or somting to you??"
"No ofc not!!!"
"Well then i like to cum with you." I sey with a smile.

We get in ryans car n go to his home.

"You can sleep in my bed then ill go on the bank." Ryan sais.
"What no! Dis is you're haus so your sleeping in your bed n i sleep on de bank."
"Uh ehm I hav a two persons bed so eh we can both sleep in it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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