Chapter 31: Afraid?

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Hello everyone. Hope you are enjoying your Summer. As some of you may know, or not know, I just had surgery last week and trying to feel 100% better. My health hasn't been the best for the past months so I have been trying to take it easy. I will try to update when I can. 

Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting. Stay safe everyone!

Tension and awkwardness. That is what you can see and feel if you were sitting in the cabin with the twins and Natalia. Something they have been feeling since they have arrived at the beach house. Or when they were alone.

No words had been spoken since one of the twins told the attendant that it was going to be the three of them riding. Natalia didn't even have a chance to protest since their hands on the small of her back lightly guided her inside right away. Even through her top she can feel the warmth of their hands.

Sitting in the middle, she placed both of her sweaty hands on the side of her, gripping the bottom of her seat. 

Slowly the cabin lifted so it could board other riders. The seconds ticked. No one spoke and Natalia felt like her heart -- which was beating a thousand miles per hour -- could be the only thing heard aloud.

Little by little the Ferris Wheel crept higher. Seeing the night sky, she closed her eyes. The cool breeze sent chills down her body which helped cool down the heat she felt being around the twins. Why did she feel like this?

Without having to open her eyes, she felt them. Their body heat cocooned her making her even more shaky. They didn't even have to touch her for her to feel the way she was feeling. The way she didn't want to feel for them.

Her stomach dipped when two sets of fingertips slowly caressed her arms. The slow dragging raised her arm hairs up, her already closed eyes screwed closed tighter.

Their breath tickled her neck so she had to tilt her head back and forth to try to escape it. It was no use, they decided to get closer. Their cologne attacking her nostrils right away.

"Why do you look so nervous baby girl?" Damien, the first to break the silence.

"Are we making you nervous?" Damon followed as he whispered above her ear, tracing the shell with his nose.

Swallowing the noise she wanted to make, Natalia managed to shake her head no. A lie she and the twins knew she was telling.

"Then why are your eyes closed and your body so tense? You can't even look at us. Or stop shaking." he continued to say.

"Maybe she's cold." Damien says. She felt him getting closer to her. A bit more and he would be on top of her.

"Maybe she is." Damon agreed. "Are you cold baby girl? Do you need to be warmed up?"

Shaking her head no, she managed to shift on the seat to be further back from them. "Keep it together Natalia. You can't let them affect you." internally telling herself.

The Ferris Wheel went around. Placing her hand on her stomach, Natalia tried to settle the butterflies she was feeling again. Until she was on solid ground, it wouldn't happen. 

The spinning stopped. Fluttering her eyelids open, Natalia glanced around the cabin. They were still above the ground, actually all the way on the top -- and the twins were staring at her.

"Afraid of heights?" Damien asked.

"A bit." she tells him. Her eyes glancing down while taking a deep breath in and out. Heights were never her thing. Roller coasters never bothered her when she was in them. It was when the ride stood still hundreds of feet off the ground that bothered her.

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