Chapter 1

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A series of murmurs could be heard around the room as the 101 boys all watched the screen with the IQIYI logo pop up.

"What does this mean"

"Did IQIYI send over trainees as well"

The trainees stare in anticipation, waiting for them to be revealed.

On the screen words that made all the boys jaws drop appeared.

Already debuted, more than 100 million fans worldwide.

The boys all gasped in utter shock at the thought of having to compete with trainees so popular.

"Hold on, are they talking about Zhang Yixing"

The boys sat up in their seats, leaning forward, eager to see who was walking through the entrance.

To their surprise the well known mentors walked out to a loud chorus of cheering and clapping

First came Zhang Yixing, the Nation's producer representative, which made the boys stand up in excitement

Next came the two rap mentors, Mc Jin and Jackson Wang, who again gained excited screams from the boys, as well as Li Ronghao, who was widely recognised as an amazing vocalist

Next it was the girls and in came Cheng Xiao, Zhou Jieqiong and finally, the mentor that caused the most attention, Wang Lili.

"Oh my God she's so pretty"

"I thought an angel had just walked in"

Lili strutted towards the stage with confidence, making the boys go crazy.

As Yixing PD introduced himself and the trainers, Lili surveyed the crowd, giving small smiles and nods of encouragement to the lucky fanboys that caught her eye.

Upon looking up at the top tier trainees, a certain blonde boy with a blue jacket and a daring fishnet top caught her eye as her stare lingered a bit longer

The boy, noticing he had caught the eye of the beautiful mentor blushed and looked away, causing Lili to give off  a smirk as she zoned back in catching the end of Zhang Yixing's words.

A/N: This is my first fanfic so honestly I don't know how this is going to go. This is really really cringe but bare with me because hopefully it will get better.

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