The Dilemma - Chapters 3 -4

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A few years back, before I signed my lucrative record deal, I was dating a music mogul known as Daddy Dee.

He was everything I'd ever wanted and treated me like a queen. He'd sent me to Jamaica to supposedly audition for a record label.

But, on return I was arrested and eventually sent to prison for importing five keys of cocaine that were discovered hidden in the backing of my personal suitcase.

The same Louis Vuitton suitcase that Daddy Dee had bought for me to travel with.

Turns out, he had a scheme going, preying on talented young women like me.

Others had also been imprisoned, all claiming they were traveling for Daddy Dee.

The Feds called on me to do a reverse sting to get a confession. This is how Will and I met. He was an undercover FBI agent and went in as my manager as I performed at places that Daddy's Dee latest group, Sensual, were also performing.

Daddy Dee was very street smart and knew that I was back on the streets too soon.

He kept his face clean and acted as if he and I had never met.

I couldn't get anything on him and was sure that I'd be heading back to prison if I couldn't prove that I had no knowledge of the drugs I imported.

Unbeknownst to me, he'd hooked up with my childhood friend, Lil' Tray, and basically set me up to be murdered.

But, Daddy Dee had no idea that Mark had been looking for and found me.

He'd followed me and finally gotten the nerve to visit me when he saw the whole set up and notified the FBI.

Then he'd come up to my apartment, dressed in a pizza delivery boy's uniform that he'd used on another case.

I opened the door for him thinking it was the FBI that may have had backup surveillance on me.

There was an exchange of bullets and Mark was shot by Daddy Dee. When we were married and the story was revealed, Mark became a sex symbol.

He was the hubby of an up and coming singer and he was more than easy on the eyes. He could stand next to a top male model and his confidence not be shaken.

He had the natural style and appeal of a male fashion model.

There had been a short segment of him on TMZ, where all the girls in the room gave various scenarios of what they'd do to my husband.

Some things never changed, women loved Mark. Now it was on a much larger scale, woman gave him flirty eyes, smiles, and titty flashes everywhere he went.

I trusted my husband, but in the back of my mind I knew that he loved women as much as they loved him.

Especially the ones with light-skin and flowing hair. I knew that he loved me even though I was the opposite of his 'type'.

But just once I'd like to see a dark-skinned sister on TV and hear Mark say, "Wow, she's pretty."

Never at our house. It was always 'his type' that mesmerized him.

I sometimes wondered who Mark was doing while I was doing Will.

I never had any physical proof nor disrespect nor reason to believe there was another.

But, I knew the sexual power of my man.

And, most importantly, I knew him down to bare.

I knew him before he was anything that he is now, as he knew me.

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