Into the Storm

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Ladybug stared as the winged beast flew off into the sunset, screeching as if taunting them while he escaped. She whirled, hissing at her confounded partner in black leather. 

"You let it get away?!"  After hours of restless fighting, and a nearly certain victory, she would think that the motivation would make him stronger, more....motivated at holding down the beast! Yet, there it was; it's ugly silhouette fading in the distance. Her fury caused her words to come out in growling gasps. "We... have.... been.... fighting.... that STUPID thing.... for 3 hours now, and you ...couldn't even... hold it down?!"

"No, m'lady, that's not what happened at all!" Ladybug smiled as the cat seemed to cower under her, giving her a sense of leadership. "I-I didn't know..."

"Didn't know what, exactly? WHAT did you not know, that could cause us to lose this fight?"

Chat trembled, and half whispered, half squealed "That it's tail had spikes." Chat winced at some unseen pain, hunched over and shaking. "It battered me, s-slamming it's tail into my back." Chat collapsed, not in pain, but in terror. "It flung me."

Ladybug stared at Chat, the anger melting away. She could see he was truly in pain, trembling, shaken up from the horrific experience he had gone through. She was so busy coming up with a plan, he hadn't heard his pleading scream of pain, or the thud as he was slammed into a nearby wall. It broke her heart, to think she had been so foolish, so ignorant, to miss the fact that her partner was hurt. All remaining drops of anger turned into worry, empathy. 

"A-are you ok? I'm so sorry, blaming you like that. I feel so stupid, it wasn't right of me. I am so-so sorry." Ladybug buried her face in her hands. 

"N-no matter. Forget that, we have to go after that thing!" Chat rose, grasping her hands. 

"But, we don't know where it went." 

"Luckily for you, while he was being rammed, this sly cat planted a tracker on it's tail." Chat smiled triumphantly, like a child who had just received a complement from it's mother. 

Ladybug smiled, petting him in his golden locks. But the smile faded. 

"We don't know where it's going, how long it'll take. What about your parents? Your family?" Marinette's parent were visiting her grandfather in China. They wouldn't be back for another month and a half. 

"Don't worry about me. My father is out on another 3 month buisness trip, and trusted me to stay home alone for once. Don't worry, let's get a move on it."

"But Chat, that...that thing is flying. How in the world are we supposed to catch up?"

"Remember when Master Fu gave us the flying upgrade?

(Think back to Syren episode, and imagine Aqua Tikki and Plagg, but with a flying upgrade. *This hasn't happened in the actual series yet)

*10 minutes later. 

Ladybug turned behind her and watched as the gleaming lights of Paris melted away into the clouds, turning into nothing more than a few dim spots. After transforming and growing her ladybug-like *wings (Again, hasn't happened, made up) her and Chat had taken off, following the beeping blimp on Chats baton. Having only packed enough food for their kwami's and themselves, they flew at about the same speed at the beast. As the sky darkened, she started to loose sight of Chat ahead of her. 

"Chat!" She yelled. "I can't see!" 

"Just grab onto my tail, M'lady, my night vision will guide us!"

Chat felt as her hands grasped around his tail, and he smiled  

After 6 hours of flying

As the fog receded, large sea stacks started showing in the distance. Ladybug noticed the longer they flew, the lower down they got, nearing the choppy sea. Soon, they were close enough so that Ladybug could run her hand through the water. Her energy  was draining; she could feel Tikki getting weak.  The same was the case for Chat. 

"Ladybug, we have to stop. We can't go on much longer without refueling." Chat called, panting.

Reluctantly, Ladybug agreed. "We'll stop at the next sea stack." 

Yet, as they continued to fly, no sea stacks came into view.  The more they flew, the darker the dawn sky became. Low thunder rumbled near them, indicating they were flying into a storm. Suddenly, lightning flashed right in front of Chat, causing him to stop in his tracks. The wind howled,causing communication to be nearly impossible. 

"Ladybug! We can't fly into the storm! It's too strong!" Chat yelled. 

"What! You wan't to fly into the storm? It's not too strong?! Are you sure?!"

Having better hearing, Chat understood her every words. "No! Are you crazy?! We'll go around!"

Ladybug, however, misheard. 

"You can see? It looks sound?! Well, ok, if you can see it, then we'll go!" And Ladybug flew in. 

"No! Ladybug!"Chat yelled and zoomed in after her. 

Chat's POV

The storm was dark as hell. Strong wind gusts sent me flying left and right. I could hardly make out the silhouette of m'lady in front of me.  

"Ladybug!" I yelled, but my voice was drowned out by the howls of the wind. I could see that Ladybug was being battered too.  I fought to catch up with her. Soon, I was right next to  her head. The wind pushed me into her, sending us both tumbling. As soon as we were up right, I yelled to her

"We have to get out of this storm!" I yelled and this time, she nodded. 

We kept flying forward, being tossed and turned every so often. Damn, this storm seemed to go on forever, though it was getting weaker.  Soon, I was vaguely able to spot the light out of the storm. 

"We're almost there!" Soon, we flew out into open air.  After a quick sigh of relief, we continued to fly, at a slower pace. Although we were out of the storm, some nasty clouds were still above us. Ladybug turned around, flying backwards, and smiled at me. 

"Thanks Chat, you really saved me there." She smiled a sweet smile, and I felt a wave of warmth wash through me. Sometimes, her sweet nature and beautiful smile was just too much for me. I smiled back.  She whirled back around. Low thunder still rumbled. 

As we continued flying, I couldn't help but to feel something was wrong. For some reason, I felt jittery, strange, like something was about to happen; It was unlike anything I had felt ever. Then, I watched the whole scene unfold in slow-motion. 

I watched as a lightning column flashed, and struck Ladybug in the wings. I watch as she cries out in pain and start fall, towards the ocean. I heard myself scream as she disappeared though the waves, her bluebell eyes fading. I watched as the water neared me. I took a deep breath, as the water consumed me. And all I saw is blue, black, and red. 


I hope you enjoyed my new book. 

I will continue my other book, Cat Scarf, so don't worry. 

I will update this story at random time intervals, never longer than a week. 

Don't worry, How to Train your Dragon is next. 

See you next time!



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