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Many strange things had happened on Berk, or in the waters around it. Dragon attacks, deranged red hairs who end up becoming like a brother to you, even giant ice spitting dragons attacking. Many strange things happen around this area, but none like this. Let it be destiny, fate, or even some ironic coincidence that brought these stories together, but no one would of predicted they would meet like this; 2 unconscious heroes laying on a bed made of sheepskin and wood, while the viking boy and his ferocious dragon stared at them awkwardly, wondering when they might wake. It seems like an impossible scene; 2 different types of people, from two different countries, but with the same motive, the same heart; to protect people, to save them from any danger around, let it be dragons, hunters, or themselves. So different, yet brought together in such a way no one could imagine. The storm, that brought the 2 parisians down, was it created for that purpose? Or the way Toothless was so eager to go for a fly, did he know? Where was the beast Ladybug was so eager to capture? Did the beast lead them here for any reason? Why Berk? So many questions, unanswered, especially one; Why them? Why was it that the parisian couple had to fall and be saved by the viking boy. Why was it them, not Rena Rouge, not any other parisian superheroes there might be lurking around. What was so special about these 3 people that they had to meet? And why in such a manner embarrassing for Ladybug and Chat; Struck by lightning and saved by a black dragon who acts 5 years younger than he is. The irony that Hiccup just had to go for a dive, in a place where he would spot the 2, it seemed uncanny, magical almost. And what about the fact that the parents of Ladybug and Chat were out for the time being, at the exact time they had to chase the beast that lead them here, it was almost too perfect. What about the best friends of the parisians? Alya had a key to Marinette's place; as soon as she missed a day at school, the brunette would come looking for her after the bell. And Nino knew that Adrien's father wasn't currently in the country, so photoshoots and trips were out of the picture; Adrien had no excuse for being out of school. Surely, they would start to freak when they found their friends missing. Knowing Alya, she would have the police involved in no time. So many flaws in this plan the universe had made, yet, it was still able to succeed; there they were. The 3 "chosen ones", in one room; with a dragon with glowing green eyes.

And with this image, and who knew what caused this, Chat's eyes flew open, and he gasped. 

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