Mornings in Berk

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Hiccup cried out as Valka shook him. Being shaken awake was not a pleasant way to start the day.
"Woah~~~Mom~~why the shaking"?
"Sorry son." Valka pulled her arms back. "It's Toothless, he's acting strange."
"Doesn't he always?" Hiccup muttered. He got up, still half asleep, and followed his mother out into the foyer. At first, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but with a black flash, he was on the ground, and a large black shadow loomed over him. Panting from the shock, Hiccup groaned in disgust as a drop of slimy fishy fluid fell on his cheek.

"EWW! Toothless, gross! You know that doesn't wash out." Toothless's green snake-like eyes stared at him in amusement. As Hiccup struggled to get up, Toothless pinned him down with one leg, and started poking him with the other. 

"Ow! NO..Toothless...stop... that....tickles.....hurts!" Toothless finally stepped off his partner, allowing Hiccup to finally get a deep breath. He watched in shock as the black dragon ran all around the wooded house, bouncing off walls, wagging his tail as if he were a dog.

"You would think as the alpha of all dragons, he'd act more disciplined, but nooooo, he hasn't changed at all." Hiccup muttered. 

 Toothless finally settled down, sitting himself right in front of Hiccup, giving him a goofy toothless smile, with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth.  

"What's wrong with him?" Valka whispered into his ear. 

"He's just hungry?" Hiccup guessed. He hadn't seen Toothless do this in a while, right before the Drago Bludvist attack. But that was 3 years ago. 

"No, a bunch of Nadders showed up this morning, hauling a load of fish for their king. He should be stuffed."

Hiccup stared at Toothless, trying to figure out what he wanted. Toothless sensed the confusion. he walked over to the corner where his saddle layed, and nudged it. When Hiccup still didn't understand, Toothless whacked the saddle with his tail, sending it flying into Hiccup's arms. 

"Oh! I get it!" Toothless started to get excited. "You want a new saddle! You have out grown this one. That is what you want, isn't it?" Toothless stood still for a moment, then smacked his tail into his face, in a manner that people would do when they are frustrated. 

"I think he wants to go flying." Valka whispered into Hiccup's ear. Toothless heard it, and got excited once more. 

"That's what you want? To go flying?" Toothless nodded his head up and down, his tongue flapping. "Well, why didn't you say so! Lets go!" Hiccup fastened Toothless's saddle, and climbed on.  Toothless extended his wings, and with one graceful flap, took off, through the dragon hatch in the ceiling, and off into the berkien sunrise. 

The cool wind blew against Hiccup, refreshing him. After an hour of flying, the only things in sight was the sun, the  sky, the sea, and a pack of scauldrons escorting their king. The perfect place.

"K, We're gonna try this one more time, ay bud?" As  he had done the many times before, Toothless shook his head, opposing. "I'll be fine, have some faith in me!" After switching many different gears, and detaching his metal leg from Toothless's tail mechanism, Hiccup lifted up one leg and put his foot down on top of the saddle. Cautiously, trying not to lose his balance, he put his other foot on top, and squatted down. As the wind fought to push him off, his legs started shaking. Standing on top of Toothless was something that they had been working on for years. and every time, Hiccup would be pushed off by the wind. And this would be one of those times. Hiccup's metal foot slipped, and he was free falling. He heard Toothless screech, and soon, they were facing each other, free falling at the same speed. It was calm for a moment. As they stared at each other in an awkward silence, it was Hiccup who finally spoke. 

"Hi." Toothless screeched in answer. "So, you were right. What is this, the 237th time?" Another screech. "Yeah, your right. 238th." Silence again. As they broke through the clouds, Hiccup watched as the sea was approaching them. "Care to go for a swim?"Hiccup asked as they fell into the waves. 

Under the water, Hiccup looked around at the vast navy sea, with nothing in sight. Well, almost nothing. Hiccup noticed a red figure break into the waves, sinking, followed by a black figure. The black figure seemed like it was swimming towards the red one, struggling to reach it. Toothless appeared next to Hiccup, watching the same thing. 

Seconds later, Toothless erupted out of the sea, with Hiccup clinging on to his saddle. 

"No, Toothless, we have to go over there! They could need out help!" Hiccup gasped. Toothless paused reluctantly, then dove back in. Hiccup could see now, the black figure, clinging on to the red one, trying desperately to reach the surface. As they neared the figures, Hiccup could now see they were human, teenagers. A female dressed in a black and red bodysuit and a mask, unconscious, and a male, dressed in a black leather cat suit, also with a mask, struggling to bring her to the surface. Hiccup pointed towards them, signaling Toothless to go faster. At that moment, the male spotted them, and opened his mouth to scream, only to lose all his remaining air. Toothless swam up to them, as Hiccup hauled the unconscious teen girl onto Toothless's back, and held his hand out to the male, who still held on to the female's hand. 

At that moment, Chat Noir knew he had only seconds left. His vision blurred, he could feel his grasp on Ladybug started to slip. 

"I will hold on." He thought. "I will not lose Ladybug!" As his eyes stared to close, all that he saw, were two green glowing eyes. Then, the world went black, as Chat Noir blacked out, and started to sink down into the abyss. 


Oh yes, 


I am mean. 


You'll just have to wait until the next upload. 

It could be days, or weeks, or months, or years!!

Or tomorrow, you never know. 


P.S. Yes, I did change  my name. It is now Gold Star100. 


P.P.S I didn't have time to proof read this, so if there are any words that don't make sense, this is why. 

Bye! ;-)

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