Chapter 4

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As soon as Lesa had said "you" I felt it. Another force user. But it wasn't the boy. As soon as Lesa felt it, a blue lightsaber blade appeared. Not her own though someone else. The person's face was hidden by the trees. But I could tell this person is a jedi or was a jedi...

"Who are you" Lesa asked with lots of confidence in her voice, though I sensed inside she was nervous.

But I knew who it was

A being from my past

Who had disappeared 7 years before

I disignited my lightsaber, as the other being probably figured out who I was she disignited her's as well. I heard the familiar click of her lightsaber being attached to her hilt. I wouldn't expect Lesa to know who this was, It had been 7 years I hardly recognized it! Maybe the only reason I even recognized it, was because she had been my master, even if it had only been for 2 years...

Lesa finally disignited her saber and looked at me as she clicked her's to her belt.

"I know who you are ... I never thought I'd see you again" Lesa looked at me very confused. Then the girl stepped out. The sun sent sparkles to her blue skin and purple hair. Her Pantoran tattoes were hardly recognizable. But I still knew who she was

"Evie, Evie Jamison" I said.

Yup Evie was Naria's Master. The reason she is still blue is cause she is still learning abut the locals. For those of you who don't know Evie she is a charceter in Padawan. Who had disappeared ten years before since Padawan takes place at the end of the clone wars and this is near the beginning.


Name: Naria Jaxx

Species: Human

Age: 23

Home Planet: Corellia

Personality: Reckless, Risk Taker, Intelligent

Special Abilities: Force Cloak

Appearance: Black tank top, brown jeans, sleek silvery ashen jacket tied around her waist. Tan skin. Dark blond hair in ponytail with brown headband. And blue eyes.

Allegiance: Galactic Republic

Role: Jedi General and Master

Gear: Double blue lightsabers using form V and deep force knowledge from her extended studies in the force at the jedi temple

Ship: Red and Yellow Delta 7-B Starfighter

Master: Evie Jamison

Bio: When Naria was one on her home planet Corellia a jedi knight named Neeja Halcyon

Found her and took her to the temple. While at the temple Naria was nicknamed "the goody two shoes" but despite the name calling and teasing she worked harder then ever. When she was 9 she started learning more about the unifying force and the living force. By the age 16 she learned more about the force than most adult jedi and by the age of 17 she learned how to use Force Cloak which is the ability to photo-kinetically bend light and sound waves around themselves, making themselves invisible to visual and audio detection. When she was 14 in the year 31 BBY Jaxx was assigning to Jedi Master Evie Jamison. The were a part of many missions but all good things have to end. On a mission to Cato Nemoidia Jamison's hyperdrive malfunctioned and was never seen again. Because if her advanced knowledge of the force Naria became a knight. Every day for 6 years Jaxx grieved her masters disappearance. After 6 years she decided that she would get a padawan learner. Lesa Kahr was assigned to her in 23 BBY. One year before the clone war. When the battle of geonosis took place Lesa assisted Jedi Master Adi Gallia with the Air Force while Naria assisted the jedi on the ground she was amount the jedi who survived that initial battle. In 22 BBY Jaxx was assigned Commander Coryn and to this day they are fighting Separtists forces

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