Clan of Exiles

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So yer...this is the Dixie crossover...hope you enjoy


Snow. The black day was illuminated by the harsh light of the snow. The battle was fierce raging on for hours. One little boy stood, hiding behind a home. He watched the battle that he'd secretly followed his parents to. He watched them stand at the front, wearing the same red that stained the pure snow. The tainted snow. They fought fiercely for as long as there was for them. The boy with black hair watched as his parents stood and welcomed what was inevitable in the end. The stood and watched, as the snow was tainted with those he loved. He stood and watched from his hiding spot. After his parents fell, everyone was soon to follow. Seeing his clan be defeated in such a way, the boy ran screaming at the one who killed his parents. Pain shot through his right eye, and he staggered to the floor. He fell in the snow, next to his fallen parents. The last thing he saw was the snow, falling from the gray sky to meet him. Like the frozen tears, of a cold-blooded killer.

My left eye fluttered open. I looked around the room, completely dazed. That was one realistic dream. Sensing a presence, I looked towards the door. It was shut, as always, and I would definitely have awoken if it was opened. Sighing I heaved myself out of bed, and turned to my window.

"Argh!!!" I nearly fell out of my bed in shock, but luckily I recovered just long enough for me to catch my bedpost, and pull myself back up. "What are you doing in here, Zane??"

The boy at the window simply stood and smirked at me. After a moment, he heaved himself off the window ledge, and responded, "I just got back, aren't you glad to see me home? Hmm?" He fluttered his grey eyes at me mockingly, and then laughed at my scowl. "Of course you didn't. You never do!"

"Zane Akitoki, why would I ever miss you?" I frowned as he laughed at my scornful comment. I lifted myself out of bed and walked over to my closet. "Why did you come to see me anyway? Of all people, why me?"

"Because I wanted to see you little one, I've come back as a hero, and now I intend on making you mine!" He joked, at least I hoped so. I know that Zane has had a crush on me since the first time we met.

"How are you a hero exactly?" I muttered, pulling a black shirt on over my head. The black trousers I fell asleep in the night before should be fine, so I left them on.

"Well I don't like to brag but-" A scream from outside cut him off mid-sentence. Both of us span to the window to see what was going on.

"Oh no...why are THEY here??" We looked at each other, and hopped through the open window to see if we could help.

As we approached the gates to the source of the scream, we noticed a large crowd had gathered, and were being divided. People were being dragged out of their houses to join the masses in the streets.

"Legionaires," Zane spat. "What the HELL do they want?" Standing there, still apparently furious, he began shaking.

"What's wrong, Zane?" I asked softly, so as not to make him turn his anger towards me.

"I never got to tell you what my mission was," He said calmly. I looked at him, wide-eyed, dreading what he was about to say. "I had to blow up a camp of Legionaires in the Gouki Region, not far from Megalopolis. The Council said they didn't like what that could have meant. So they sent me to destroy it. They must have seen me, and remembered who I was. They're looking for me!"

I looked at him closely, my own frightened eyes taking in his. He turned to me, smiling gently. Just then, the leader of the group of Legionaires called out, "We are looking for exiled Zane Akitoki. If you hand him to us, no one will be harmed." As he turned around, it seemed like he muttered the word 'much'.

All was silent for a moment, nothing and no one moved. Suddenly, Zane charged forward, and I screamed after him. The head Legionaire turned around, grinning evilly...


Yer, yer,,,I know none of the main characters from Dixie's Story actually appeared in this chapter...but they just gotta wait. But at least I included the first clan...XP...hope you enjoyed it...let me know if I should bother carrying on...that includes you Frankie-sama...XP...XDXDXD

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