Power Surge

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*All was silent for a moment, nothing and no one moved. Suddenly, Zane charged forward, and I screamed after him. The head Legionnaire turned around, grinning evilly...*

Raising his powerful looking cybernetic arm, the blaster in it whirred into life, charging to its full power. A sharp, brilliant light began to form in the chamber, then-

The Legionnaire shot through the air and crashed into a nearby homestead, as a powerful ball of Chaos energy shot into his side. The other Legionnaires cast fearful glances around at the crowd that had gathered around them. Zane dropped heavily on the ground. I rushed forward to pull him back, but when we turned around, we found ourselves surrounded. The head Legionnaire emerged from the depths of the homestead with an angry roar, brushing bits of dust and debris off himself.

"You!" He spat furiously, pointing a shaking hand at me. "I should've known it would have been you!"

I looked around, the fear creeping up inside me. I stammered, "It wasn't me! I can't do that!!"

"Of course you can't," he said sarcastically. "I have waited too long to get my hands on you! This-"

An inelegant snort came from the crowd, and an amused looking girl stepped forward saying.

"I would seriously doubt that HE would be able to make a ball THAT powerful, if he could even make one at all!" She cast a meaningful glance over at me. Then looking back round, she smugly announced. "I, Terri Onikawa, created that ball of energy. I blasted you!" She looked dead on at the group of Legionnaires. "And don't think I'm afraid to do it again."

Regaining his sense, from the initial shock he just received, the head Legionnaire barked, "Well, what are you waiting for? Get into position!!!"

With that, all the Legionnaires stood in a scattered formation and raised their cybernetics towards the girl. What was she doing?? She looked mad just standing there! It was almost as if she was waiting for them to shoot her...or maybe she was!!

Without even thinking, I raced forward with incredible speed as they all fired at her. A cloud of dust swirled up around us, and the Legionnaires waited until the dust had settled before finding out what had happened to us both...

We stood there unscathed, deep holes in the floor from the impact of the shots. I heard many gasps from the crowds around us, also from the girl behind me, I quickly lowered my hands. Whispers erupted from the crowds. I felt my face flush, I didn't like to show my unusual power off, but this girl's life was in danger, so I couldn't have just stood by and watched.

"Leave now," I said, filling my voice with a strange power. The Legionnaires backed off a little; I knew my aura had changed without even having to look.

Suddenly, finding her voice again, the girl behind me shouted forcefully. "Leave NOW!!!"

Then, the hordes of people began stepping forwards, all chanting leave. The Legionnaires seemed extremely fazed by this. But their Leader just shouted back.

"Why? What are a bunch of weaklings like you going to do about it?"

A burly looking man stepped forward from the crowd, he began flexing his muscles. "We may be exiles, but we are far from weak!" He bellowed, and with that, he stamped his foot. The ground began to shake menacingly, and the ground leading up to the Legionnaires cracked and broke apart. The Legionnaires turned and ran, knowing that their small group wouldn't last against a whole village of skilled exiles.

As they left, people began to cheer and hurl insults after them, finding courage they never had when they were face-to-face. I turned around, to check on the girl, but she'd already disappeared off into the crowd somewhere no doubt. So I carried on turning, and Zane jumped on me. He clung on like if he let go, he would lose me.

"I was so worried about you!! Not that I doubted your awesome ability, I know that you would never have let anything happen to you or that girl. Why did you do that?? You even risked yourself for me! What were you thinking?" He babbled on. I just looked at him and shook my head. He always got carried away when he thought something might have happened to me. He continued to ramble on even though he'll have known that I wasn't paying attention. I never do. I zoned out from him and focussed on the people around me, their conversations were about me, I could tell. They daren't even glance over at me. I could sense their fear and intrigue of what I had done. They'd seen it before, once. It was a while ago and it was difficult to explain...

"So yeah, next time just shout or something if you want me, you don't have to nearly get yourself killed!"

"Okay then," I said, looking back at him. He knew full well that I didn't know what he had said, but he didn't pursue it. He just sighed and dragged me back to my stead.

I felt eyes on the back of my head, so I turned around. But the crowds had dissipated by now; there was no one else in the street. I looked through the windows, but could see no one. So I closed my eyes and focussed. A heavy, rasping breath that stood my hair on end, echoed through the streets. So I shook myself free of the thought, and chased after Zane, who was well ahead by now.


So...whaddya think? Bit more action this time...slight bit more interesting I hope...sorry it took so longish...XP...leave your thoughts and comments belowXDXDXD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2010 ⏰

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