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It's been 1 year and 8 months since I been kidnapped I been in a basement waiting to be transported to another place along with other girls who have been kidnapped some even rapped I wasn't gonna let that happen to me I was determined to get back to Logan I just hope he is still there for me I had been sharpening a piece of scrap metal for a month and now it's as sharp as a sword or at least I
I hope I pressed it again my finger and it made me bleed a little so I knew it was ready malnurished and dehydrated I decided to just wait until transportation to do something since right now it would be stupid to attack since my body was weak from beatings and lack of food and water

1 hour later

??? Alright ladies get ready for transportation

I saw this random guy start tieing up ladies his other partner went to go on a bathroom brake the guy went to approach me and I took the sharpened metal ready to stab him he went over to me and said

??? I'm gonna have fun with you before we transport you

I saw the gun in his back pocket he went to grab my arm and I stabbed him in the neck the girls screamed and I quickly grabbed his gun and shot him the partner walked in the room and shot me in the arm I fell to the ground and hit my head a memory of me and Logan in Hawaii together came into my head  I wasn't gonna let this man stop me from seeing my baby I lifted my arm and shot him in the chest when he went to turn from his cover to try and shoot me again he dropped his gun and started gasping for air I shot him in the lung and it went straight through I walked over and grabbed his gun I  cut the rope off all the girls and we took some keys to one of the cars we where in Mexico but under Cali so it wouldn't be that long of a drive I took some duct tape and took of my shirt and wrapped it around my gunshot and taped it like a crappy bandage  the bullet didn't go threw so I didn't want to pull it out in case it would cause more bleeding the girls started the car and I sat in the back while one of them looked after me I felt like I was starting to fall asleep I was getting light headed and loopy but I stayed awake the whole car ride threw we ended up back in LA somehow I managed not to bleed out in the car but I was close I couldn't walk and I was almost grey they drove me to a hospital and grabbed me they ran me inside and the next thing I knew I passed out on the floor and I heard screams around me as I felt the last of my blood drip on the floor around me

I skipped 8 more months ahead

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