shopping for the baby

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L Chloe we need to start getting stuff for the baby

C who's house are we going to put the stuff in

L we can keep it in mine for now until we get stuff sorted out

C ok

We got in the car and drove to the baby store I parked in the parking lot and just glanced over at Chloe she looked stressed and lost I got out the car and opened the door for her and helped her out the car out of no where paparazzi started swarming us and flashing us with pictures I blocked them from Chloe so the flash didn't get in her eyes I guided her with my hand and they started asking questions

P = paparazzi


L Yes


C No

The rest of the paparazzi kept asking questions but we ignored them but from across the street people started screaming "whore" and "hoe" at Chloe at that point we just ran in Chloe was crying a lot mostly because her emotions where probably all over the place with her pregnancy I pulled her to an empty part of the store and wiped her tears away I kissed her on the forehead and hugged her tight I just wanted her to know I was here for her no matter what relationship we where in

C Thank you Logan thank you so much

L it's okay Chloe all I can do is be here for you now let's just pick out the thing we need and leave before everyone starts coming up to us

We started to pick out all the furniture and some stuffed animals we also got bottles and  bibs etc we didn't know the gender so we didn't get stuff that was specifically for female or male we checked out and rushed back to the car I opened the door for her and made sure she was in first then I packed everything into the car and we headed back to the house

C are we gonna wait to see what gender the baby is or do you want to go to the doctor and see

L up to you it's your baby

C and yours but I think we should find out soon

L yeah. Did you ever talk to your family about the situation?

C not yet I'm kinda scared to

L well your going to need to I talked to Jake and my mom is upset with me

C what about the logang?

L 25% are on our side and 75% are on Ayla's

C dam that's not good

L well now we know who my true fans are

C well they don't know the full story so that could be why so many are on Ayla's side

L yeah

We arrived at my house and I put away all the stuff I was thinking about asking Chloe if she would like to be my girlfriend again but when she said that we weren't in a relationship so fast to the paparazzi it kind of made me hurt a little I don't think right now is a good time but I'll try anyway

L Hey chlo

C yeah

I started to get really nervous for some reason and u didn't know what to say

L .... Never mind

C ok?

I looked at Chloe mad at myself because I'm so stupid then out of nowhere a look of pain struck her face

L you ok!?

C yeah my stomach hurts bad I need to use the bathroom

She ran to the bathroom and I followed she threw up in the toilet a lot and just sat on the floor in pain I ran over and handed her a napkin I got on the floor with her I held her waist and she just layed back on me I knew the only thing I could do was comfort her so I just stayed on the floor with her until she eventually fell asleep I hated seeing her in pain but at least now she looks peaceful sleeping I picked her up and placed her on my bed and put a trash can next to her in case she needs to throw up I went to a guest room and just relaxed I kept thinking about how she always wants me around and  how she kissed me but she clearly sounds like she doesn't want to be with me it's all just to confusing mabey soon she will take me back after all I am the father to her baby

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