My first and second attempt...

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 I was definitely not yet ready to fight, but I decided to just try. There's nothing bad for trying, I told myself, still frightened to fight my worst enemy. Then all of a sudden, I get pushed into a room where there was no one else but me. "THUMP, THUMP, THUMP" It was coming from outside the metal door. The CREEPY CHILD has arrived. I fight and fight, but end up on the floor dead. I thought to myself, "Sorry mother, I couldn't save your life. I am very, very, very sorry." A dark world starts to surround me. Smaller and smaller the world gets as I close my eyes slowly.

The unknown lady and her boss were kneeling beside me and praying that I would wake up. The unknown lady said

"Hooray! She's awake, she's awake."

The boss now has a big smile on her face.

"Now this is your final attempt to fight the CREEPY CHILD." said her boss, "You must remember to survive this time and work out some tips. Good luck!"

She and the unknown lady left the room as soon as she finished. So I was now left all by myself in this creepy room with no one else but me. The CREEPY CHILD returns into the room and starts to fight. I duck. "BASH" The CREEPY CHILD is dead.

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