Chapter thirteen

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☁️authors lucky number! Ahem sorry for the interruption continue on☁️

The guards returned to take me back to my cell, I could feel the syringes substance working it's way through my body, I wasn't feeling any pain, yet. The guards lead me to a different cell that still had a chain but contained a camera to study my reaction to the serum, they chain me down and leave, forcefield flickered on as they left me.
"Stupid HYDRA" I mutter "stupid Tristan"
I pull myself to my feet to inspect the camera taunting me, I flip it off and turn away and pace around my cell. A sudden wave of pain washes over my body causing me to double over
"What....the hell?" I gasp curling into a ball
The waves of pain continued and all I could do was scream and scream from the pain, twenty minutes of agony my body gives in and I pass out
—>Time Skip—>
I'm awoken by guards dragging me by the arm to what I can guess the lab from the day before, to inject me with more of that fucking stuff, and boy was I correct. Just like the day before they strap me down into the chair and leave me alone, three minutes later the door opens again and Tristan strides in, clearly enjoying my pain and being the one who caused it.
"Hey doll" he coos
I hiss in return "don't. Fucking. Call. Me. That."
Anger flickers in his eyes and he rushes over to me and backhands me across the face, the sting subsides and I glare straight into his cold eyes.
"Oh you have no idea how much I want to stab you in the throat" I laugh
He grins "seems the serum has some affect on you sanity"
I try to grab him, straining against the restraints around my wrists growling at the fucker.
"But, I still haven't perfected the serum yet so you loosing your sanity is just a minor side affect"
I watch him inject the newly formulated serum into my arm, anger bubbling up into my system. Just like yesterday the guards take me back to my cell and I lay there curled up and screaming in pain.

This continued for weeks, the experimentation and HYDRA getting increasingly frustrated at the lack of progress the serum was making, so They continued torturing me with their attempts to replace Bucky with me.

Steve POV
"Where's Frosty?" Tony asks eyes glued to the screen searching intensely
"He's still in the cage and won't come out" I sigh "at all"
"Poor guy" he replies "I still can't get any hits on Wrens location"
"Dammit" I mutter "it's been almost a month since she's gone missing and Bucky's gotten worse"
"Agreed, he must really care for her"
"Good 'ol Buck"
"HYDRA is being a real pain in the ass to track"
"Sure is"
"I hope she's ok, poor kid"
"So do I, so do I" I mumble looking at the screen "can you think of anyone that could possibly help us?"
"Not really," he groans "I don't think any of the other Avengers could help even if they wanted to"'
"What about Tristan?" I ask "any hits on him"
"Zilch" he sighs "Jarvis has looked through all cam footage in this entire city and hasn't got a facial recognition on him"
"So we've got to try harder"
"We've been doing that, it's like she's just dropped of the planet"
"We won't give up on Wren right?"
(Word count 591)

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