Chapter twenty-two

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⚠️trigger warning! In this chapter we talk about Wrens scars if your sensitive to that please skip the paragraph as it will be marked⚠️

Bucky POV
I rummage through Wren draws looking for some clothes for her to change into the HYDRA mission outfit is not the best thing to be wearing, I hear the door creak open
"Uh Buck" Steve said "I know you miss her and all but going through her clothes is kinda creepy"
I roll my eyes and turn to him "I'm getting her a change of clothes you punk"
"Oh ok"
"Yeah if I was her I'd want to get out of HYDRA clothes"
"Ok just be careful" he mumbles walking away "she's unstable"
I pretend I don't hear the last statement and find finally find some clothes, ones that look comfortable and could trigger memories, I fling the ripped black jeans, grey sweater and fluffy socks over my arm and walk down the hall to the containment room. Wren was sitting in the middle staring up at the ceiling lost in thought, I walk towards the metal door of the cage and slip in her change of clothes through the small opening. She quickly turns around in fright sending me flying to the ground.
"I'm sorry" she stuttered backing away from me
"Hey it's ok Wren" I reply softly "I brought you some clothes of yours to change into"
She looked at me with curiosity as she picked up the clothing
"thank you" she mumbled studying them "now turn around"
I obey her command and turn around to face the wall, I hear the sound of clothes rustling and the sound of her boots being kicked off.
"You can turn back" she announced after five minutes
I turn back and look at her, she looks more like the old Wren now with her jeans and oversized sweaters,  but her mind was not the same as before, I smile slightly as I sit down facing the glass, she hesitates at first but sits down in front of me. Wren looks at me slightly confused as if she knows me but doesn't at the same time.
"You're Bucky?" She asks quietly
"Yeah I'm Bucky," I reply "you helped me get here"
"I did?" She mumbles eyebrows furrowed
"Yes" I say "you and Steve helped me remember"
"Wait" she says "remember? Did they wipe you too?"
"Yes, HYDRA wiped me and made me into an assassain, killing people, making me their weapon"
"I'm sorry" she mumbles "they sent me to kill you"
Silence filled the air like a thick fog, she closed her eyes hanging her head in guilt, an idea popped into my head, one that might get some memories back
"Hey I'll be right back" I say getting to my feet
She nods slowly and I run back to Wrens room, grabbing the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the movie she showed me and her laptop thing, tucking the items under my arm I make my way back to the containment room, I place the items in front of her, a flicker of recognition lights up in her eyes. I attempt to turn on the laptop failing.
"Click the on button silly" she laughs pointing at a small button located on the top right hand corner
I laugh and turn it on, the screen lights up, I insert the disc and the menu pops up, I set the laptop down so we could both see
"Ready doll?" I ask
"Ready" she replies laying down resting her chin on her hand
I press play.
⚠️—>Time Skip—>
"We watched this before didn't we?" Wren mumbled once the film ended "we watched this when I was helping you, right?"
"That's right doll" I reply grinning "Your remembering"
"I guess I am" she says shrugging "I have a question"
"Go ahead" I reply shutting off the laptop turning to face her
"What are these from?" She asks pulling up her sleeves to her sweater
Immediately my heart shattered as I looked at her arms "you don't remember?"
"No" she mumbles "what are they?"
"I-" I trail off it hurt to see those scars and it scared me to see the quantity of scars that littered her pale arms
"Are they bad?"
"Doll..." I say voice cracking slightly "I'll tell you when you remember more"
She tugs her sleeves back down "ok"⚠️

Over the next few weeks I visited Wren and helped her remember more and more about herself and the other Avengers, but the image of her arms were forever burned into my mind, but I still love her. After the fifth week Wren was deemed stable enough to return to her room, once she scared the living shit out of Tony and Steve when they looked up and saw her sitting on the kitchen ceiling eating a sandwich looking down at them with curiosity, let's just say they screamed like little girls. For some reason she rarely sits in chairs or anything like that she just levitates to the ceiling and sits there, let's just say we all learnt real quick to look up at the ceiling before we go take showers or stuff like that, she also is quite fond of playing with her powers, sending wisps of dark energy from her fingers, moulding it into different things. So far she hasn't had any nightmares from being the Septic Soldier, like I do from being the Winter Soldier, but fingers crossed she doesn't have to go through that. I yawn drifting slowly drifting off to sleep with Wren cuddling into my side her head resting in the crook of my neck, it was on of those days when she doesn't want to be left alone and I have no problem with sleeping with her it it helps. (Shhhhh I know what your thinking and NO not like that-.- dirty mindsssss)

3rd POV
Bucky had finally fallen into a deep sleep, Wren began to stir slightly, eyebrows furrowed from the nightmare she was having, she could her the screams of her victims, her fighting her friends replaying and the voices of the HYDRA Agents echoed through her head. Her eyes snapped open a dark grey colour replaced her normally hazel irises, she slipped from Bucky's grasp, reaching for her combat knife stashed away, attached to the under side of the bed. Wren was no longer in control, locked away in the darkest crevice of her mind while the Septic Soldier took full control. She plunged the knife straight down into Bucky's right arm, he cried out in pain and shock, Wren snaked her hands towards his throat squeezing. Bucky began coughing as she applied more pressure, with his metal arm he wrenched her hands away from his throat, pushing her back off the bed. With clenched teeth he pulled out the knife from his right arm, blood gushing from the wound, Wren regained her footing and leaped back onto the bed trying to attack Bucky.
"Wren it's me!" He screamed "it's Bucky!"
"Who's Wren?" She hisses throwing a punch in his direction
From behind them Steve burst in, acting quickly he swiftly hit Wren around the head, knocking her out cold, she slumped down onto the injured Bucky
"Oh my god" Steve gasps
"Steve"  Bucky says clutching his wounded arm "I think I need stitches"
Steve helps his friend out the door towards the hospital unit, where Stark was already there, he looked up and his eyes fell on the stab wound and he immediately began to get the needed utensils.
After hour or so Bucky was stitched and bandaged up
"What happened Frosty?" Tony questioned
"Nightmare" he mumbled "Thanks for stitching me up"
"Steve where's Wren now?" Tony asks
"Knocked out" He replies "in her room"
"Should we put her back in the containment cell?" Tony says
"No!" Bucky almost yells "that'll make it worse for her"
"Buck she stabbed you" Steve sighed
"Yeah and I shot you three times and you didn't throw me into a cell!" Bucky retorts
"That was different!"
"How Steve? How?"
"Grandpas stop fighting" Tony sighs "Frosty just keep an eye on her"
Bucky nods heading back to Wrens room, where she still was laying unconscious on the floor he closed the door and began quickly strip the blood soaked sheets, replacing them with clean ones. A groan turned his attention towards Wren who was stumbling to her feet, clutching her head, Bucky shot forwards enveloping her in a hug stroking her hair
"It's ok, it's ok now, your ok" Bucky whispers
"I'm so sorry" she choked out "I'm so sorry"
"Shhhh" He whispers softly "it's ok now"
"I hurt you Bucky" she sobbed
He gently took her face in his hands tilting her chin up so their eyes met,
"I'm just glad your ok" He whispers their lips inches apart from touching.
Wren closed the gap between her and Bucky and their lips met, immediately Bucky kissed back wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer as Wrens tangled her fingers in his hair. They pulled apart for oxygen, Wren nuzzled her head into his neck, peppering it was little kisses, Wren and Bucky lay back down onto the bed and Wren immediately nuzzles into his chest as Bucky wraps his arms around her.
"I love you" Bucky whispers
"I love you too"
(Word count 1568)

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