The Assignment

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Who am I? The words on the screen stared back at me with the same blank expression I wore. It's always this way, every year our new class teacher tells us to write about ourselves, and each year I write the same "My name is Sadie and I am 15 years old. I have long blonde hair and Hazel eyes. I love science and maths." But this year is different. We have to 'dig deeper' as Mr Layton said. Talk about our aspirations, our dreams, our goals. The trouble is, that's hard when you don't even know who you are. I could just make it up, but that feels like cheating, and I'm only cheating myself.
I'm adopted. I can't remember my birth family as I was adopted at only ten months old. I imagine my mother being too young to care for me properly, but I'll never know. The only thing I know of her is her name , Clarice Bronton.
Without even thinking, I type her name into the search bar and click enter. A sudden rush of fear floods my body as if part of a tsunami. All that appears on the screen is pictures of a middle aged woman's headshots for prison. She is definitely not how I pictured her; she is short, thin and has messy dark hair. That can't be my mother, surely. She looks the complete opposite of me, and I just can't see myself in her.
"Sadie!" My mother shouted from the kitchen "dinner is ready" and with that I clicked the 'X' in the corner and closed the pictures, I'm certain that the name I was given was just to satisfy me when I asked. Clarice Bronton.
When I walked into the kitchen everyone was already there, my siblings at the table and my parents at the stove. I have 3 siblings, 2 sisters and a brother. The twins, Adeline and Amie sat opposite my seat, where I sat next to my brother, Jacob.
I could hear them talking through the meal, but my mind was elsewhere, thinking of the woman who filled my screen earlier that hour. I wanted to ask, but I was sure I would get the same lie again, so it wasn't worth it. Instead, I quickly finished my meal and went off, up to my room. I opened the internet up again, this time, though, to search my own name.
Search results for Sadie Jones

•Adopt a child- Young girl {9 months} in need of a loving family
-Unfortunately this child has been adopted now, click [here] to continue your search!

That's is. That's all there is.
For some reason I'm disappointed, but I'm also very glad. I don't think I Could handle knowing through the internet.
All of a sudden I had an idea, a DNA test. Without hesitation, I order the cheapest one available and pay for extra fast delivery. There, soon I will know my true identity.

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