Is this me?

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I lay in bed, unable to fall asleep with this new information. I still don't know my mother's name, but I do know that Clarice isn't her. I also have new questions like why wasn't I returned to my mother?

I wait in my bed staring at the ceiling until I hear my mum turn off the light and so to bed. Then, I build up the courage to sneak down stairs. I wind my way into the kitchen, using only my hands to weave round the pitch black maze. I stubble over the dog bowl and then turn on the light. I walk over to the bin and take out the package I placed in over an hour ago.

I look at the package unsure what to do. Laura's expression haunted me, and I couldn't do this again. But who is she to stop me from finding out my real mother? Even if I found her, she'd still have Amie, Adeline and Jacob.

A rush of assurance fills me and I rip it open before I can change my mind. I take out the paper and unfold it slowly.

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We are exited for you to find out your history!

Your name: Sadie Johnson
Date of Birth: 27th May 2003

Your mother: Sarah Davies
Your farther: Stuart Davies
Your date of adoption:14th March 2004

You have a total of 4 biological siblings:
Cara Davies (17)
Louis Davies (12)
Olivia Davies (9)
Georgie Davies (6)

You were adopted by:
•Laura Johnson
•Steve Johnson

You have (3) adoptive siblings.

So my mother is Sarah Davies. I guess that makes me Sadie Davies. For now at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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