Varian x Reader:The Move

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S/n:Sister's Name
B/n:Brother's Name

It was a normal day in Old Corona. Varian begins to work on an experiment, while you sat down on the couch, admiring your crush. Yes, as cliche as it sounds, you have a crush on your best friend Varian. Rudiger sat on your lap, sleeping soundly while you stared into space until a booming sound was made.  You quickly came back to reality, as the raccoon to jump off your lap.

You got up from your sit and quickly went over to Varian to see if he's okay. "Are you alright? That was a huge explosion." The boy turn over to you, while wiping ashes from his freckles face. "Yeah I'm alright, just got dirty in the process." You sigh in relief when the door open, revealing Varian's father, Quirin.

"Is everything alright in here kids?" Varian answer, "Yeah dad, don't worry. I accidentally mixed up my chemical with the wrong substance." Quirin smiles, knowing his child and friend isn't hurt. "That's good to hear, and Y/n..." You perk up, responding with a "Yes?" "You're father came by and told me to tell you that you need to come home at 6:30."

You raised an eyebrow. Your curfew usually was at 7:30. You asked Varian, "What time is it?" Varian look at the clock, "6:09." You was surprise how time pass by. "Okay, thank you Quirin." The man smile and exits the room, leaving you and Varian alone again.

6:30 came along and you start to leave. 5 minutes later, you arrive at your house. You walk in yelling "Mom! Dad, I'm home!" You heard your mom voice, "In the kitchen Y/n." You walk in and see your mom and dad fixing dinner as B/n and S/n sets the table. "Hey everyone", you greeted casually. "Hey dear, how was your day?" Before you could answer, your older sister start talking.

"She probably had a GREAT day with Varian. Right Y/n?" S/n said, teasing you about your crush. Your parents raised their eyebrows as they look at you."Y-yeah, we had fun today", you said as you feel your cheek swell and flustered. You help your siblings with the table when you smell the food coming your way."Dinner ready kids," your father announced. Everyone sat down at the table and begin eating.

As Y/n continues eating her food, she was curious as to why her dad wanted her home so early. "Dad", you said softly "Why did you call me here early?"You said My curfew usually at 7:30." Your father sigh and wipe his mouth as he gets up from his sit. "Family, I have an announcement.  I was doing very good at the Blacksmith, Frank told a friend from another village and said I could work for him, and make twice as I am working here." Your little brother spoke up, "So that means we're moving!"

Your father nodded his head. "Today's Monday. By the end of this week, we'll be on our way to Crowburg." Everyone begin to get excited, "You mean the huge city papa?"B/n asked, excitedly"Yep, just like in S/n's books." The table starts to chatter, except for you. You didn't wanna leave your village, you loved it here. "Can I excuse myself," you asked, with tears beginning to form in your e/c eyes.Your nodded,"Sure Y/n." As soon as you got that yes, you quickly got up from your sit and ran upstairs to your room, locking the door.

You lend against the locked door and sit down on the ground and let everything out. Why did you have to leave, everything is going fine. You don't wanna leave Varian, he's your only friend.30 minutes later, you felt a bang behind you. "Y/n can I come in?" You got up from your spot and try to get yourself together. After straightening up, you answered "Yeah, come in." "The door's lock."

You unlocked the door to see your father. You two sat down on the bed. Your father has a concern look on his face."Baby, I can tell you've been crying." "No I haven't." "Y/n, your eyes are bloodshot, and it's neither from crying or weed, and I don't smell no herbs." You chuckle at your father joke.

"I know you don't wanna move, believe me I don't neither. But your mother and I are having finance problem. We haven't been paying our bills on time, causing us to lose this house by Saturday." You raised your eyebrows,"If we don't have enough money for a house, how are we gonna live in Crowburg?" "That what I thought too," your dad explains "But a buddy of mine lives there also and suggest a 4 room/ 2 bathroom apartment for us. The rent is reasonable, it's a decent size and you and your siblings will still get your own space." After what you're father said, you knew he made the right call, but you still didn't wanna leave.

The next day

You walked over to Varian's house and knock on the door to see a happy face Varian. "Y/n, thank god you're here! I wanna show you something." He quickly grabs your wrist and pulls you inside. When you made it to his lab, he release you and went over to his table. "Last night I tested out my red liquid with a drop of-"You try calling it his name for his attention."...Varian" "this formula I made yesterday and it-" "Varian." "starts to form this crystal like-" "VARIAN!" The blue eye boy stopped talking and look towards you. "What's up? Is everything okay?" You felt your eyes watering and your legs weak. "I need to tell you something." Varian notice sadness and trembling in your voice and sat down on the couch with you.

"What is it," Varian asked concern about his friend. " My father got a job and it's at Crowburg." You announced "And we're leaving at the end of the week." When the word came out of your mouth, Varian froze there with a face of shock, sadness, and anger. "You serious", Varian asked, hoping it's a joke. You slowly nodded your head as you felt tear coming down your face.  Silence feel the room as the teenager just sat there letting the information sinks in.

"You can't leave! You're my only friend and I need someone to talk to besides Rudiger." You got up in offends."You think I wanna leave?! I have to or else...." "Or else what?" "...we'll be homeless....." "What?" You sat back down, explaining the situation "Lately my parents been having money issues, and we couldn't pay for our house loan/bill. We would've been on the streets by next week until my dad found out about this job there and knew what he had to do." Varian just sat there with his head in his palm. "I don't want you to go..." You hold Varian's hand in comfort. "I don't neither, but I'll be back. I promise."

You two hugged each other tightly. "Well,I'll make sure you're last week here is memorable", Varian said.

It was finally here, moving day. The L/n family put their luggage inside the carriage. Quirin And Varian decided to help out with the furniture. Your father prepare the horses for the 2 day long journey ahead of them. You pack all the snacks, drinks, games and clothes inside the carriage.

Two hours later, everything was set to go. "Be careful out in the city", Quirin said to your family. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine", your dad said. You hug Varian one last time. "I'll miss you freckles." "Me too Milady." Varian gives you (favorite snack), "While you're on the road, I thought you might wanna eat these." You smile and grab the f/s. "Y/n, get in the carriage," your father shouted "It's time to go." You nodded at your father and gives Varian a smile. "I'll see you soon."

As you enter the carriage you look inside for a minute and turn back around, grabbed Varian's face and kiss him. You didn't know what came over you to do it, but you happy you're doing it. You let go whispering, "I'll be back." You ran inside the carriage to see a shocked mother, a sister who's fangirling, and a confused brother. No one said a word to each other as the carriage begin to move. Throughout the ride, you thought about the kiss and how it felt. Despite getting a lecture the next day about the bird and the bees, you didn't regret going back and kiss him and hope you can come back home to see him yet again.

Forgive me if it's shit. I hope you enjoy it and part two will be out shortly. Bye❤️

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