Ch 14 - A Sensational Experience

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"Awooooooo!" Sid howled out into the world with her arms wide and a breath dial in each hand. She closed her eyes and basked in the wind and water that blew into her and through the leaves of the tree she was standing on. "Awooooo!"

"Oy, Sid! Come down from there! You're going to catch a cold," Cricket shouted from the base of the ship's mast. They were sailing on Shoujo's ship while Mashira and his crew were right behind them. The sheer fact that Shoujo had a lush, strong tree serving as the main mast of his ship made him lovable in Sid's eyes.

Sid said nothing as she allowed herself a few more moments to be in this blissful state. The sensation of being completely shrouded in this salty mist while the air rushed right past her was nothing she had ever felt before. She felt so alive. She felt so free.

She was beginning to see why Blue Sea people chose to travel on ships instead of using wavers. She might be from the sky but to her, this, this right here was paradise. Even though they had only been sailing for about a week, Sid was sure she could stay like this forever.

"Oy! Kid! Since you're up there charging up those breath things, keep a look out for the island!" Shoujo yelled.

Sid opened one eye, her only compromise from his request. "Okay!"

Boo hovered in front of her, surfing with the wind and enjoying the moment just as much as Sid. Every now and then he would turn to look back at her, to make sure she was still there.

"If you see anything," Sid said to her sky sheep, "Let me know."


Even though it was getting close to noon, the sun was barely shining through the fog around them. The air was damp and the wind was strong. It pushed the massive scavenging ship with ease. Cricket could only hope that this good weather would carry through to the end. He had forgotten the joys of sailing and being back on one, and traveling once again, brought back all the memories, good and bad, he had pushed aside for so long. He was beginning to realize how much he had missed it.

He walked to the bow of the ship and rested against the railing, taking in his surroundings.

"Old timer, you look very natural there," Shoujo said as he joined his friend.

Cricket chuckled. "I was a captain, remember? But yes, it feels good to be back out at sea."

Shoujo remained quiet as he watched the old diver stare out into the open waters. His lips twisted in thought but just as he was about to suggest something, he was interrupted.

"Hey! I think I see something!" Sid shouted, "I see trees!"

Shoujo and Cricket shared a laugh. "Of course that's the first thing she calls out," Cricket grunted and then turned to call up to the Shandian, "What else do you see? Is it a forest or just a few tall trees? How far away is it?"

"There are clusters of them. Not a forest but they are still very tall and the clusters are far apart from each other and there's a big pile of Vearth- I mean, dirt, that is covered in trees. It's very high!" Sid reported.

"I think she means a mountain," Shoujo mused.

"Anything else?" Cricket asked.

"That's it but it's straight ahead if that helps!"

Shoujo pulled out the Eternal Pose and he stared at the direction of the compass needle. "Yes, it looks like that's Lisart," he said, "Alright, men! Get ready to dock. We're approaching the island. Someone get on the crow's nest and take over for the kid."

"Ay ay, sir!"

"Sid, get down from there! I mean it this time!" Cricket shouted.

"Coming!" Sid said.

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