~Chapter~ 12 Regroup

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Taehyung stood up dusting off his clothes; his arm was scratched slightly from being dragged across the floor. He held onto his arm some, watching as Namjoon helped Yoongi up from the ground. They all looked over at Hoseok, Taehyung was the first to speak.

"W-Why- what the hell happened to Jeongguk!?" He yelled with a cracked voice, scared out of his mind. Hoseok was still standing next to the door ready to answer with a simple "I don't know" until he heard a loud bang and the knob starting to turn. He placed his hands on the door to keep it closed, struggling slightly he glanced over at the three.

"Help me! One of you go and find something to jam the door!"Taehyung ran over and pushed hard against the door to keep it closed, Namjoon joined. Jeongguk could be heard yelling and cursing behind the door for them to move; he was strong, stronger than all three of them. He was able to crack the door open and push his arm out feeling around before his hand landed on Hoseoks face, he then grabbed him by the throat and began choking him; yelling in a distorted voice to move from the door and to be let out. As Hoseok coughed and struggled for air, Yoongi was searching for something suitable to jam the door with; each passing second Hoseok felt like he was close to passing out, Namjoon tried his best to pry his hand away from the older males neck. Taehyung backed up from the door a bit slamming shoulder into the wood; it closed against Jeongguk's arm making him wince in pain and pull his arm back into the room. Once Hoseok was free he gasped for air falling to the floor luckily Yoongi appeared with a metal pole that had a horseshoe like top, he stuck it under the knob successfully getting it stuck. Taehyung pulled Hoseok away from the door allowing him to catch his breath. Namjoon turned to Yoongi and took in a deep breath trying to compose himself as he spoke.

"Where's Jin-hyung and Jimin? Maybe its best the stay away from the house-"

Yoongi shook his head and inhaled deeply putting on a bit of serious face.

"No...no, the smaller group we are, the less likely we're able to help each other, I think we all need to stick together but not in the house, we need to do some looking into, there's something with this house that the salespeople didn't tell us about."

The three younger men all nodded and followed after Yoongi as he made his way downstairs.

"Where are we gonna go? Hyung we don't have anywhere else to go."

Hoseok asked with a scratchy voice; everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"We're going to the library; if there was something wrong with this place, we'd be able to find it there so let's go, one of you text Jin and tell him to meet us there." Yoongi looked back at them before he whispered to himself as he walked.

"I think I know how to fix this."

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