Part 9:

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"Hey so Drew sweetie------do you want mama to fix your stitches there for ya my dear boy???????" i asked my son very politely out of the blue while pointing at his face "yeah mom, let's go & do it right now!!!!!" he said excitedly and ran into my bedroom then straight to the bathroom, then i grabbed whatever i needed and headed right into my bathroom where Drew already was waiting for me; "please tell me that it's not gonna hurt when you put it in right mama?!?!" my son asked me very nervously as he pointed out at the needle i was fixing up with the perfect spool of thread for the stitches i was going to use. "unfortunately though it is gonna hurt for a while.....but i'm quite sure that you'll get used to it soon enough after getting your stitches done....." i told him (time-skip to when i had finished with Drew's stitches......LMAO!!!!!!!) "it feels really weird mom, why do i always have to redo them every single week anyway?!?!?!" Drew said to me but in question as he traced a line on his right cheek. "Just so that your stitches don't get infected or are hurt in anyway------but just in case they do in either one way or the other, then you'll have to either tell me or your father alright??????" i replied to him but in question and he nodded in response: "Ewwww oh my freaking gosh, why the hell did i see you put a needle in there big sissy?!?!" i heard Judy ask me after she gagged, "because she was fixing up my stitches for me------besides that it didn't really hurt that much!!!!!!" he told her "well then dear sweet boy......i told you so about getting used to it......and i guess that it was pretty much easy for you to do so!!!!!!!!" i said back: "Oh sorry i didn't know that-----but i think that i am about to puke-----because i can actually feel it coming up!!!!!!" she told me and gagged yet again for the second time "If your gonna puke then go right ahead and do so in my bathroom little sis.....i really don't mind at all.....but at least i never did that in front of those idiot people when i was preggers with Drew & then his little sister because i swear that i would've done so much worse if they had seen me do it!!!!!!!" i said back. then i saw my son wink at my sister and grinned. and which made Judy begin to blush and hid her whole face behind me then i giggled at my little sister's reaction: "that's just freaking nasty, don't wink at gross!!!!!!" Judy mumbled while she growled from back there "Hey there Judith it's just a normal thing.....there is no need for that-----please be nice to my son alright?!?!?!" i replied back to her but in question. then i gently pushed my sister back to where she was before she had cowered behind my back for a silly little thing: "ugh whatever you say-----it's fine with me anyways, but i swear that i won't like it any less that i do now!!!!!!!!" Judy told me very quietly

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