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Adrians punch resulted in a Hairline fracture on my jaw, nothing to serious, the doctor just prescribed me some pain medication and sent me on my way. The car ride with oscar wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. "Hey I'm sorry about dinner by the way, we never really got a chance to eat." I said turning down the radio in his car. "I said it was fine the first time you apologized." He said keeping his eyes on the road, "But if you touch my radio one more time it's not going to be okay." He said sending me an intimidating look. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "You don't scare me Oscar, I don't understand why everyone's afraid of you but just know the whole bad guy act doesn't phase me." I said as we pulled up to my house. "Thanks for the ride." I say as I get out of his car, right before I open up the door to the house Oscar rolls down his window, "Hey Hermosa, It's not an act." He says then drives down the street.


"Hey guy's, where's adrian?" I ask as I sit at the lunch table with Cesar, Ruby, Monse, and Jamal. Everyone just stays quiet for a awhile, "Ok what happened." I asked putting my fork down. "Look Celia, we know Adrians your brother and everything but-" Cesar was cut off by Monse "Adrians with Latrelle, and we don't mess with Latrelle, so basically adrians not in our group anymore." Monse said picking around at her food. "What's wrong with Latrelle?" I asked, "I seriously don't get it" I said. Ruby dragged his hands down his face and looked at me "Latrelle is a Prophet, which is another gang here in freeridge, and as you know Cesar is a Santos, Prophets and Santos are rivals, are you understanding now?" Ruby explained. "You forgot to tell her how we overheard latrelle and adrian talking about adrian becoming a prophet." Jamal pointed out to ruby. "JAMAL" everyone yelled as they sent him death glares. "Wait my brothers joining a gang!?" I stood up and grabbed my bag. "I have to stop him, I have to tell October." I said making my way to the front of the school.


I sat at home watching a basketball game while folding the laundry, the door burst open and an out of breath celia stood in front of me. "Why aren't you at school?" I asked setting down the towel I was folding. "Adrians joining a gang" she breathed out. "What are you talking about?" I was beyond confused "Adrian is joining a gang October!" she yelled louder, waving her hands around. "Honestly Celia, I don't even know adrian anymore, I can't really do anything about it." I said looking down at my feet. "October, you can't just let him, you have to try to stop him." Celia said with tears brimming her eyes, "He's my brother October, he's our only family left." She started to cry. "Oh baby girl, come here." I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. "I'll try my best, I'll get Adrian back to us even if it's the last thing I do." I promised and kissed her forehead. "But right now I have work to do and you have an education to get, so get your ass in the car I'm taking you back to school" Celia rolled her eyes, "Just let me go to the bathroom, i'll meet you out by the car." she said. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

"Aye, hermosa" I looked up and saw Oscar in his car. "Hey, how's it going." I asked leaning over and resting my arms on his window. "How's that brother of yours?" He asked. "Oh i have no idea, Celia just told me he was joining a gang? Prophets or something? I don't know what to do." I sighed. Oscars whole attitude changed and he straightened up. "Look, hermosa, If your brothers really messing with the prophets I can't help you out with him, and I can't even try to keep him safe. These are my streets, and I'm not about to lose them over a girl." He put his sunglasses on and sped down the street. I stood there for a second just trying to process what he just said. If he really thinks I'll just let him get by with basically threatening my brother, he has something coming for him, and he won't like it. 





Super short, but I've been so busy with college apps. and all this adulting stuff it's so stressful. 

But I haven't forgotten about you guys! And I appreciate everyone reading this! 

I'll be adding in a new character within the next chapter or so. AND I CANT WAIT BC I LOVE HIM  SO MUCH

lmao, anyways all the love, and thanks for reading. 





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Lost Soul { Oscar "Spooky" Diaz }Where stories live. Discover now