N E X T O N E $

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After Ty had left celia and adrian left and went over to ruby's place so I was all alone in the house. I cleaned up a bit and just messed around, playing music, dancing and what not. There was a knock on the door that interrupted my mini concert. I looked out the window and didn't see anyone, or any vehicles. That was weird. I went ahead and opened the front door and no one was there, but there was a piece of paper. I picked it up and it very careless handwriting it read, "The next one$ going in your head bitch" and right at my feet, under the piece of paper was a single bullet.

I've locked every door and window, I've closed all the blinds, and I can't stop pacing through the living room. I tried to call Ty damn near 20 times but his phones shut off, probably because he's in the meeting. I called celia and told her and adrian to stay at rubys just in case, but I'm losing my mind by being in this house alone, and im too scared to leave it. 

My thumb hovers over the contact labeled 'Oscar' in my phone, "should I?" I question myself. "No don't bother him, he's probably too busy for your problems" I tell myself. "But what if they come back and actually put a bullet in my head?" I question, "Fuck it" I clicked on the contact, it rang twice before I heard Oscars soothing voice on the other end of the line. "Oscar" I gulped, "I um, I need help, well I don't need help but I need someone." I managed to choke out, my throat was feeling smaller with each word, and my eyes were beginning to burn, my bitch ass emotions were taking over. "Is this serious? I'm kinda busy as fuck right now, can it wait." After he finished his sentence the dam broke and the tears started to pour out, 'I have to be alone in this house till Ty gets back' I thought to myself. "Y-yeah, um, don't worry, i- i um I should be uh fine, the um i- I locked all the doors and windows, i'll be ok." I muttered. "What? Why are all the doors and windows locked? What happened?" he asked, he seemed concerned and irritated at the same time. "There was just a note left at the door, its uh, it's no big deal." I said. "I'll be right there" he huffed then hung up the phone. I felt a wave of relief wash over me knowing he was on his way.

There was a banging on the front door followed by Oscars Voice, "October, Hermosa, it's me." I unlocked the door and opened it, I crashed into his arms crying into his plain white t-shirt. "I'm sorry, I'm usually not this big of a pussy but this scared me." I said, which was muffled due to my face being shoved in his chest. "Show me the note" he said with a serious tone, I let go of him and glanced at his face, His jaw was clenched and his eyes were dark. I placed the bullet in his hand along with the note, his eyes scanned over the words and I swear to god I saw smoke coming out of his ears. "Get an overnight bag, your staying with me." He said, crumbling up the note and walking out the door. 'Well, this'll be interesting' I whispered to myself walking into my room.

The ride to Oscars was quiet, extremely quiet. Oscars eyes never left the road, his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel. "Do you know who left the note?" I asked, trying to break the tense silence. "I'll take care of it, don't worry about it O." he said. 'O' I thought, he called me O. "You called me O, I like that." I said smiling. He looked towards me and shook his head, "What, you got a crush on me or something, O." He teased. I couldn't stop the little smile tugging at my lips, "What, you think you look good or something, spooky" I joked. "I know I look good, I got all the hynas" He said with a chuckle. I laughed and shook my head "Oh so your a man whore?" I asked nudging his shoulder. "Not really, I got my eye on someone though." He said, his eyes finally leaving the road and glancing at me. "You know Oscar, your not so spooky for someone called spooky." I said leaning back and getting comfortable. Oscar just laughed and nodded his head "I'm glad you feel that way hermosa."  


Sorry its such a short chapter

Ive been in a writting funk but i think im out of it.

More drama, action, and good stuff is brewing

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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