A Fateful Encounter

16 1 7

Author's note

Hello guys your not so favourite cringey author is back and he bring probably the bad writing and terrible script but also filled with his daydreaming and fantasy

Ok hahaha that a joke but if you still reading this and didn't leave yet I guess you might need a bit of help or is that my story is interesting to you, whatever it is enjoy the second chapter


"What the!!"I exclaimed while trying to keep my feet on the ground

The earthquake start to get more intense, trees are falling ground are shaking, thunderous sound was created as the ground rip apart creating a crevices on the ground

"THOOOM *crack* *crack* "
The ground shake violently

"Woah!! *thud*"  I fall on my back,

"Kyaaa!!" Anna cried as she were quickly lose stability and force to be on all four

I tried to get up back on my feet but I only managed to stay crouch on the ground

"*CRACK* *BOOOM*"the ground below us suddenly split apart and swallow the both of us

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" I scream as I fall into the crevice


Present time(lol finally)

"OUCH!!my back" I woke up in an unfamiliar place

I stand up and tried to assess the situation ,and yup I'm definitely in a cave. The cave was strangely lit by green moss, well at least I could see a little bit

I look up from were I fall but all I could see is tiny ray of light coming from above, then I look at the surrounding area but I couldn't find Anna anywhere

We've fallen together, so we might not be to far apart,hmmm but all I see here is a straight tunnel I should be able to find her if I walk for a bit

I should gather the green moss as well
It will light the way and make it easier to see the ground

So I walk to the nearest clump of green moss and tried to peel it of the cave wall,

"What the...."

The light of green moss that I gather immediately fade and left an ordinary looking moss on the top of my hand

Hmmm I need to find a different way to use it

"HMMMM... think, think how can I bring the moss with me and not lose its light" I said loudy while I scratch my head

I look around to see the moss closely and tried to figure something out

"Hmmm... what that"
I said while I look at the ground a few meter away from me

It's look like a clump of moss that is Weirdly shape like a lump, so I draw in closer to take a better look

I tried sticking my hand around the lump of moss and....

Ohh my hand go straight in...
It's pretty deep but all of it is moss
I tried pulling the lump out of the thick moss and it's work ,the lump of moss didn't lose its light

Hmmm I feel something hard on the lump... Ohh it's a stone ,the moss didn't lose its light because it is sticking to the stone. I see ,I see

The stone is big enough to fit in my palm so walking with it is not a problem

So I walk through the tunnel with the moss.. well the moss didn't really light the way as much as I want it too but it is reassuring to have a light in my hand at least a little

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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