Chapter 2

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I tried to focus on Mr. Hutchinson's exuberant voice, science got him quite excitable, but I could feel my head going in circles over Xander's actions. Sometimes he would stress how much of a great friend I was, but then other times he would pull a stunt like this – touch starvation only went so far.

I wasn't sure if he liked me or not. Would he constantly touch me like this if he didn't? He didn't get enough affection from anyone else, so, maybe. Despite his popularity, most people kept him at arm's length.

I sighed, resting my left hand lightly on the arm around my waist. My other hand scrambled to finish writing my notes, and to catch the last vestiges of Mr. Hutchinson's lecture before the bell rang.

Xander turned over his hand and laced his fingers through mine. He didn't move even when the bell rang, waiting patiently for me to complete my sentence. With a click, I returned my pen to my pocket and shut my notebook – sliding it back into the pocket of my textbook.

We both made to get up, but it was too late. We were surrounded by people vying for Xander's attention.

"Xander... I saw in training the other day. You were so hot! And so good at fighting!" chimed one girl with strawberry blonde hair. Xander smiled at her in thanks, eyes creasing in the corners in a perfect mimic of a real smile. He had gotten much better at making his smiles seem real from when we were kids.

The others nodded their heads in agreement with her words before a guy interjected.

"Ya, I'm in your training class and that last move you pulled to beat Cadman was awesome! That guy is so scary! I'm glad you're stronger than him. Well, it's not surprising they call you Mars."

Xander laughed and ducked his head, a blush coating his cheeks.

How did he do that? Just pretend to be something else.

I would never be able to.

"Aw guys, you know Mars is just my codename. I'm just plain old Xander," Everyone shook their heads vehemently at this statement, "No really! I am! And come on guys, Cadman is great. He's so nice. I promise."

A girl with brown hair, and skin almost as dark as mine spoke up next. "Nuh-uh. He's always so cold. And he never smiles!"

There were various nods of assent to that too.

Xander opened his mouth to continue the argument, smile etched perpetually on his face, when a different boy cut him off. Xander's eyes flashed with annoyance, but nobody noticed. Only me.

"Come on Kamille, who do you agree with? Did you know Cadman? Is he actually 'nice'?" He trailed off for a moment before adding in a quieter voice, "Did you even see the fight?"

The first boy spoke again. "Ya Kamille. I never see you in training. Like ever."

Suddenly all eyes were on me, and I felt Xander's oppressive grip on my waist grow marginally tighter.

I swallowed, curling my fingers on the tabletop and addressing my lap. "Oh, I've been excused from training..." Because Xander wouldn't stop beating up anyone who tried to train with me.

"Oh, why?" The boy asked innocently, unaware of the danger right in front of him. I quickly rushed to think of a proper excuse.

"I'm just a little weak, and since I already have my sidekick permit the school doesn't really care," I said, laughing weakly at the end.

I couldn't help but remember the real reason I was pulled out of training class.

I had just arrived at class, changed into my costume, and got ready to spar when they teacher call me over.

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