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"Nathaniel, did you forget the butter again!" screamed his mom. "No mom, it's in the bag!" Nemo shouted back. Even though his real name was Nathaniel everyone but his parents called him Nemo. It was a nickname he picked up in first grade and it just kind of stuck with him.

Nemo's mom looked around some more before giving up. "I don't see it. Why don't you come down here and look since you're so sure you didn't forget it"

"Ugh, ok coming" Nemo grunted, "I know I didn't forget the butter, she probably isn't looking in the right bag."

Nemo focused on the television, trying to catch the end of his show before he went downstairs. Rays of sunlight beaming through his window diverted his attention to the old birthday cards on the window seal. His fifteenth birthday was two weeks ago. He wanted to have a party, but all of his so called friends were "too busy" or had "other things to do". When he really thought about it, there were only a few people he hung out with. None of them he could really call friends.

The glass from the window reflected his pale face and blue eyes through a mess of his light brown hair. Next to his birthday cards sat a medal, the only recognition he'd ever received in his life. It read "Thank You Participant". He got it just for showing up to his fifth grade class spelling bee. Sports didn't really interest him, and even though people thought he was smart in school his grades said otherwise.

"Nathaniel!" his mom shouted again.

Nemo rushed down the stairs in a hurry. The quicker he found the butter, the faster he could get back to watching his show. "I know it's here." He thought to himself as he looked through each of the bags. "I remember checking everything off the list mom gave me as the cashier scanned..."

The sudden realization occurred to him that he left a bag. "Mom I'm going back to store. I left the butter there." Nemo said as he rushed out the door.

"Ok! Be safe." she yelled, not expecting him to hear it before he left. She shook her head while she watched him run off. "I knew that boy would forget something, he always does."

The store wasn't far from Nemo's house. He could have walked, but he took his bike instead. It had been cloudy all day, and looked like it might rain soon. Nemo always looked forward to rainy days. Something about it always calmed him and helped him focus. It was as if the lack of people outside made the world quieter. As much as he would enjoy riding home in the rain, his mom would probably be upset if he came back home soaking wet. So he pedaled faster to hurry to the store.

Just as the grocery store was coming in sight, something else captured Nemo's attention. A woman, dressed in all black, was walking at a very fast pace on the other side of the street. She looked to be in her mid-twenties. Her bronze caramel skin glowed in the red and purple rays of sun that were slowly being overtaken by the dark clouds. A single long black braid of hair flowed down her back and swung side to side in the air as she walked. She had a deep scar above her left eye. Somehow that small imperfection only added to her beauty. As she came closer, Nemo noticed her black outfit was accented by gold jewelry unlike anything he'd ever seen before. He assumed she must be rich, or someone important, or both. The long stride of her legs made her look taller that she actually was. Knowing that, he was sure she would still tower over him. Just looking at her was intimidating. But it wasn't her looks that kept his attention. It was the expression on her face. A mixture of anger, sadness, and fear all showed in that woman's gaze. If he hadn't seen it himself, he wouldn't think it was possible to make a face that showed so many emotions at once.

Right as he was about to go back to thoughts of retrieving the butter for his mom, the woman looked at him. She didn't look at him as if she was casually glancing in his direction. She looked directly at him, almost as if she was looking through him. Nemo tried to focus on something else. He certainly didn't want to stare back at her. Before he could wrap his head around what would cause her to stare at him so intensely, she took off in a mad sprint. All the emotions on her face were replaced completely by fear. There was no doubt in Nemo's mind. This woman was running for her life.

The very first thought that popped into his head after seeing her take off was that he should just mind his business. That would satisfy all the mystery he needed for today, no need to worry about why a woman was running for her life. Besides, if he followed her what was he going to do? What if she was in real danger, and what would he say if she wasn't and wondered why he was following her? He didn't have an answer to any of these questions. But the one thought that did stand out to him was, if he was ever running away like that he would want someone, anyone, to come to help. Against his better judgment, he turned his bike around and started to peddle after her.

FEAR.DEATH.BY.SWORDWhere stories live. Discover now