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Nemo wasn't really paying attention as while he walked, so he was surprised when they ended up outside. A crowd of people followed behind him and the other applicants. Rufus lead the way, walking them through the fields behind the Citadel until he came to an abrupt stop. Rufus motioned for all of them to line up side by side. In front of them was a large area of swamp land. Skinny trees poked out of large expanses of water, dotted by small islands of land in between the marsh. Water soaked logs bobbed up and down in the murky water. Nemo could see mosquitoes buzzing and frogs jumping across lily pads, but it was the sounds he heard that scared him the most. The sound of dead trees swaying in the wind, the hissing and croaking of creatures hidden in the water, and the eerie quiet moments in between it all were unfamiliar sounds to him. Part of him wondered if there were alligators in there. Another part of him wondered if alligators were the least of his problems. Nemo shook his head to banish the ideas from his mind. He had to focus on the next challenge.

"At least it's day time" said the applicant next to him. "I wouldn't want to be left in there when the sun goes down."

Ten applicants had made it to the second stage. Nemo didn't get to watch the other fights, so he still had no idea who he should try to avoid. By the looks everyone gave him, they all could tell that he was the weakest person there. Thinking back to what Ahad told him about the Trials, the first stage had to be the physical test. That just left mental and spiritual trials. A bit of relief came with the knowledge that he probably wouldn't have to fight anyone else, but the unknown challenges ahead still worried him.

Rufus stepped in front of the applicants and began to hand out long candles. He took his time lighting each of the applicant's candles, and one for himself. Then he began to explain the rules for the stage.

"Welcome remaining applicants, and congratulations again on passing the first stage. Your showing of superior fighting prowess over your opponent has gotten you this far, however time will be your opponent in this challenge. The candles you have in your hands will burn for approximately thirty minutes. You must make it through the swamp and to the other side before your candle goes out. The distance between here and the other edge of the swamp is about five miles. Take special care to keep your candle lit the entire time. If your candle goes out in the swamp you will have a tough time finding a way to relight it. Show up at the finish line with a lit candle and you pass this stage. In regards our betting members watching from the sidelines, you may place bets on whichever candidates you think will make it through the swamp with their candles still burning. The current odds were distributed to you beforehand. Best of luck to you all!"

Nemo saw his opportunity to escape. He completely forgot about the challenge and thought if he could sneak out the side of the swamp, he could run off and find his way home. It was a foolproof plan, until Rufus sat his candle on the ground and turned around to face them.

"Oh yes, one more thing. For any of you thinking about travelling along the side of the swamp in order to run on dry ground, this will not be allowed. If anyone is found outside of the swamp at a place that is not the beginning or end area..."

As Rufus finished his sentence the sound of a gunshot rang through the air. The candle that he placed on the ground was now several shards of wax melting against the ground. All the applicants looked around but no one could find where the shot came from.

"Well I think you get the picture. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. I hope to see you all at the finish line. Ready, Set, START!"

As soon as Rufus said start, three applicants rushed to edge of the swamp away from everyone. Two other applicants rushed to the center. Nemo was still feeling the disappointment of realizing his escape plan wouldn't work, he didn't even notice as one of the applicants who rushed to the center reached for his candle. At the same time, a bead of hot wax ran down the side of his candle. Right before his candle was taken from him, the bead of hot wax hit Nemo's hand and he dropped his candle on the ground. The sudden burning pain on his hand jolted him into noticing his surroundings. He looked around and finally realized what was happening.

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