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I wanted to be the Worlds Greatest Hero...but that never happened. I became a Pro Hero in the end, of course, but at least I'm friends with the Worlds Greatest Hero.

When I first met him, he was such a quivering mess with a weird Quirk that when he used it would break his own bones!

Weird, right? But no matter what, he'd always do his best and try to help others, even when he would hurt himself in the process. It was worrying, but an admirable quality that you wouldn't really see in Pro Heroes at the time. Most of the time it was about the fame and trying to keep the spotlight on yourself.

Things like that would cause trouble later on with a villain who acted on his beliefs in the wrong way. Now that I look back at it, I can see his point about wanting Heroes who truly wanted to help others, not for the fame, but just to help others. But his practices were villainous no matter what he wanted.

But of course, we can't forget the greatest and strongest Hero during my childhood, All Might! He was the second coolest person I knew (behind Ryukyu, obviously!). He was strong, brave and fought for justice. He inspired so many people to become Heroes and of course defeated villains and brought down the crime rate!

But...When I was younger, I never understood why some people would stay away from me. It always confused me, I didn't look weird, I was always nice or at least tried to be whenever I could.

But as I got older I realized I did look different. My mother looks different and my grandmother looks different.

Everyone looks different, but in a unique way that connects to their quirk or genetics. While I have horns that are more like antlers and a tail that is scaly and green. My mother has the lower half of a snake, my Grandmother has the lower half of a fish and my grandfather had scales.

I have features from a few animals a tail, horns, and wings (Which look like bat wings) and my Quirk was like Ryukyu's. I didn't know my father, so I always assumed I got it from him.

I always looked weird and most kids would stay away from me, but some were nice and didn't avoid me, it was nice!


It all began in China, in QingQing City. There was news that a baby that gave off light was born. Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places, and time passed without the cause being identified. Before we knew it, the supernatural became normal, and dreams became reality. The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait. In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight. That profession is...


"So is there anything else you want to do other than be a Hero?" A girl asked, sitting down next to Ryūko, "I mean there are other things you can do, right? I plan on being a Hero, but it's a different thing when it's me-"

Ryūko tuned out what the girl was saying. She was used to the question and what came after, she heard it over and over again during her Elementary and Middle School life. At first, she didn't understand why she was asked that question, 'Are you sure you want to be a Hero?'. She wasn't Quirkless, but when she thought about it and remembered the things she did in the past she understands where the question stems from.

Throughout her childhood, she was always rambunctious, mischievous and always getting hurt trying to prove that she would be a great Hero. She has matured of course, but the past can't be changed.

All the things she did just set the idea that she wasn't ready or capable of being a Hero, but she doesn't regret any of it.

"Are you listening, Asami?" The girl asked, twirling her blonde hair.

'The girl' would be Leiko Sachi, she was pretty even Ryūko could admit that but, her personality just ruins it so that 'puppy love' was short-lived, lasting only a week.

Her family has some kind of rivalry with the Sachi family. It's been going for years, so long that it was occurring during the time before Quirks, it started in the Edo Period in 1610.

The Asami Family vs. The Sachi Family.

The only time they even talk would be when Sachi was comparing herself to Ryūko. The only comparisons were the ones when she was obviously superior in hair, appearance, grades, popularity, Quirk and just about everything else. She was the main source of the, 'Are you sure you want to be a Hero?' question.

"Uh, yeah." Ryūko replied clumsily, "Of course, always!"

"If that's the case, then you should already understand what I'm saying and believe it." Sachi's lips curled and turned into a sneer.

"Just because you hear something doesn't mean you have to believe it!"

"Sure, yeah, whatever."

She doesn't regret being mischievous but she might regret that 'puppy love'.


I have no 'betas'? or story checkers so any mistakes are mine. :) ///

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