Telling Our Family!

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Once we got home we were over the moon excited to have a little one soon to be with us, we decided to hold off telling our family until tomorrow. I still felt sick and decided to run to the store and grab some vitamins.

Jen: "honey im going to the store to grab some things do you need anything?"

Chris: "um no thanks babe do you want me to come with you?"

Jen: no im gonna be in and out real fast i just have to grab some pregnancy vitamins."

Chris walks up to me kisses me goodbye then leans down and gives my belly a kiss.

Jen: "i love you."

Chris: "i love you so much." (Kisses Jen again)

On my way to the store i had to stop and get gas at 7 eleven I decided to get a slurpee too. Once i got to the pharmacy there were so many different options and brands to choose from this was my first pregnancy so i didnt know what to get i went back to the car did some research and when i knew what i was looking for i got out the car to go back into the pharmacy and there were paparazzi EVERYWHERE! I quickly grabbed my handbag and ran into the store using my bag as a shield. Once i got inside i let one of the employees know not to let anyone with a camera in, she agreed and i walked on to get what i needed, vitamins to keep me and my baby healthy i paid for them and left luckily all the paps were gone i got in my car and went home.

After Jen left i sat down and just thought about what was going to happen... im going to be a father, a dad! I couldn't believe it, our baby was already so loved and it's mommy and daddy cant wait to meet it. Jen has been feeling sick lately so she went to grab some vitamins at the store, and when she got back i was gonna have dinner ready for her, but i cant cook so I ordered her favorite pizza from dominos, pepperoni pizza with jalapeños and ranch i hope the jalapeños aren't too much since she is pregnant but i dont know much about pregnancy so I ordered a regular pepperoni just in case.

I was watching tv when i heard the doorbell, it was pizza so i paid for it and gave him a high tip since he had to drive all the way across town. I laid out the pizza on a tray, and set the table, i know that sounds fancy and all but we are so over the moon about having a kid and not to mention it might help Jen feel better and put her in a better mood. I felt as if it was necessary. I waited till Jen got home to eat, believe me i was starving but I decided to finish the movie i was watching before pizza got here when i heard the door unlock and Jen walked in. She looked a lot better than before she left.

Chris: "how do you feel babe?"

Jen: "better, i feel better i took some vitamins"

Chris: "thank god i hate seeing you like that"

Jen: "but its gonna pay off"

Chris: "i know babe.. i know, i just knew how bad you felt"

Jen: "aww i love you babe". "What's that smell?"

Chris: (chuckles) its pizza honey i hope your hungry."

Jen: "oh my god im starving, lets eat!"

We sat at the table and ate as Jen discussed with me how the paps (paparazzis) were everywhere before she walked in the store earlier. I mean it just aggravates me so bad like no one cares that Jennifer Lawrence walked into a pharmacy! It wont be long till Jen gets a baby bump and the whole world knows Jlaw is pregnant, which is fine considering our family will know way before that in fact tommorow we are considering telling them.

I am really considering telling my best friend that im pregnant before anyone else, i mean she has known me for years now and i am not very good at holding back my pregnancy from my family and friends at the moment, besides she will keep it a secret for as long as i ask her to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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