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Juxtaposition is the fruit of literature and human thought.  Don't worry about that previous sentence, even if you had to dust off the old dictionary to decipher a comprehensive meaning.  The day is only an envelope of time that can be complex with the expectations of family, schooling, and finally work. 

What I hope to do is to bring a more positive outlook on your accomplishments and shift your viewpoint on the legacy of success.  You do not have to be wealthy or educated to believe in yourself; however, making a dream become reality takes guts. 

If you think that I am a bad source then you can put this work down and play more games on your cell phone.  Technology is very advanced these days, you have to finance your own phone and pay money each month for service.  If you don't have a phone and would like a source of communication then you can get a flip phone for ten dollars.  I would talk more about this subject but I need to express a topic that is more of your interest like the definition of a prologue.

A prologue is background information that is previously noted in a story.  It could also plant a seed to the exposition.  However, my definition is different and could be expressed as an inconvenience to some people.  I think a prologue is the place for an inexperienced author to ramble and brainstorm their thoughts. 

Now, I need to find a way for others to read my book and love it somehow so it can become a New York Times Bestseller. 

As I turn the slippery gears of a young adult brain, I need to think of how all of those other books became special and published.  Each one of them is unique and has its own story and you would think that I could learn something from that.  Instead of doing research and becoming a well educated person that I should be, I will overgeneralize content and attempt to display a relatable message that will win the hearts of people.

In order for a work to be successful, the author should have good ethos.  To be able to have enough credibility to give trustworthy advice is a must to write something worth a person's time.  I would like to spend all day and half the night writing a fluent grammatical structure that will wow everybody.  Unfortunately, I am too lazy to craft such an idea or delete the last sentence so I will write out a simple list that could be enjoyable.

Engage the Audience
In order for a miracle to happen, I need to have two things:  An interesting topic and a sense of humor.  Okay, a piece of literature that was created by an author with imaginary degrees and successes should totally fit this category.  I mean, it is about a discussion of human life and ethics, John and Jane Doe from elementary school would be scrambling to read this cheerful subject.  Also, if you wanted me to provide some comic relief, you are out of luck.  My humor lacks originality, the jokes I tell are dry as the Sahara Desert.  So I have the inability to engage the audience so I need to put in some effort to appear more credible.

Have Reliable Sources and Research for Facts
My source is simple, the person who is writing this is an indeed professional.  I specialize in surviving as a human being that breathes in air, pollution, and other people's criticism.

Express Thoughts in an Intelligent Manner                           
Geez, this one is tricky.  The first problem is that I don't have a real college degree or any education beyond high school (yet).  How can I be successful without that required attribute...well if this doesn't work than I can go to and chat with people who have accomplishments in life.  A secondary conflict is my communication skills.  In order for a book to be published, there should be little or no problems with sentence structure and fluency.  I have seen a few summers and have yet to be burnt. My grammar is awesome, ask me any question and leave your name, number, and credit card information after the tone.  Beep. 

By leaving you this list of my expression and passion, I have proven to you that I am a valuable author.  From having enough ethos, you should take time out of your day to read my factual thoughts.  I assign thanks to anyone who considers this a work of merit.  And most people skip the prologue so I won't have to worry about revising it. 

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