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Money is fun.  It is what stabilizes the economy and provides food on the table.  People are generally attracted to money as it is a key to survival and comfort.  However, having too much or little can lead to disadvantages in your moral values, health, and the surrounding people. 

People struggle on finding a balance within a quality of their life as to supporting the people they love and taking care of themselves.  Finding time for yourself is important as you need enough sleep, food, and space.  Having a shortage in either of these categories could disrupt your motivation and willpower on living a good life. 

The lack of compassion for others is also a huge downfall.  Humans are known to be social with one another and they suffer greatly if there is no interaction.  It can affect a person's mood and success as they get more distant and shut themselves away from the world.  This has become more of a common occurrence as today's world transitions into technological advancements.

People are talking less to each other and their thirst has grown into an exquisite taste for money.  If you think that is a generalization, call your credit card company and ask for a free credit score.  Also, contact your bank and ask for reduced interest on your mortgage, they will go with your feelings instead of maintaining a higher profit.  Then, go to the hospital that you just got surgery at and beg for a lower bill as you are too poor to get Health Insurance.  They will totally dismiss any cost you owe. 

The only way a person can get out of extreme debt is a miracle or Bankruptcy.  Greed is a harmful weapon that spreads like wildfire.

Unlike some Americans, I don't find much pleasure on materialistic things.  Sure, eating a nice meal at a restaurant is satisfying; I like Sushi despite the fact I get sick from it sometimes.  Using the internet helps me learn about the world that I live in and I did buy my own cell phone (it was not a flip phone in case if you were wondering).  Gifts like jewelry from friends and family are beautiful but I am more focused on the thought.  Where did the care come from and what is the internal meaning?  
My absolute favorite material present was a card my mother got for me.

I was born into a family that was considerably wealthy in the bright state of Arizona.  We had more than one house and even lived by a golf course for a short time.  My age was from infancy, but I do remember seeing an apple that was baked in a car.  We moved by my grandparents in Ohio because of the tragedy in 2001.

Money was starting to get spent unreasonably and there was tension from financial distress.  My family split apart in 2008 and ones that were dear to me passed on.  I lived in a course that was constantly changing.  It unknown on the number of times that I moved but it was a few.  Because of this, I found comfort in being outside and doing crafting activities since I see little attachment in wealth or a home. 

The reason I am writing this book is not because of profit (though making a couple bucks to buy potatoes and pay off student debt wouldn't be harmful).  It is to spread a warm message to the struggling and the bored or to entertain someone with my lack of professionalism. 
So, another task I have for you is to give ten dollars to someone that needs it.  It can be a charity, the homeless, your bartender that must put up with people like you, etc...                                  

Money is a very powerful influence.  For example, water is also an essential for living.  If a person is stranded in a desert, then they will suffer from hallucinations as the body attacks the vital organs for a supply that is not there.  Within a few days, their body will shrivel up and become an unrecognizable figure of dust that cannot be retracted. 

On the contrary, someone on a sinking boat that is surrounded by the waters of a large lake does not have a good situation.  They would attempt to swim away but the water will swallow their energy and eventually their life.  Water will rip away the skin tissue, so they will be a decomposed skeleton, buried in unknown depths.   

Money works the same way, depending on how you use it.  Will you learn to live on the land, drown from your greed, or become robbed of any hope to gain an income? 

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