I'm leaving

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" Levi" eren said as he walked into the office

" what do you want I'm working " Levi growled out. Eren frowned at that, lately Levi's attitude has completely changed. He used to be sweet and loving, patient and reliable but ever since he got a promoted at his job he's been the complete opposite of the man he used to be.

Eren sighed " I'm breaking up with you" he said as he took off the engagement ring Levi gave him and sat it on the shorter male's desk. Levi stopped typing on his computer and looked at eren, the look on his face was between confusion and disbelief.

" Your what?" Levi asked making sure he heard right

" I'm leaving you " eren repeated his own face showed no emotion. Levi looked at eren trying to find any sighs the male was joking but found none.

" You want to leave me? You'll have no where else to go " Levi said with a smirk, his voice and face sounded and looked smug but on the inside Levi was panicking.

" I don't? You really think because you didn't like my family I was just going to cut them off? I can stay with my family or friends but I been left that house " eren replied bluntly

" you told me you didn't care for them anymore " Levi said

" I lied to you like you did to me all the time " eren said with a shrug

" Eren look I'm sorry for lying to you I promise I'll make it up to you but what do you mean you been left?" Levi said

" like I said I been left but I had to tell you so you wouldn't think we're still together " eren replied, eren was sick and tired of Levi's empty promises, his hope of those promises were long gone but now he wouldn't have to deal with them

" eren, I know we're been having some problems but please stay " Levi begged, he didn't want to lose eren

" now you apologize, Levi what I learned is if you were really sorry you wouldn't do it over and over again now would you?" Eren asked looking at Levi with a cold, dead stare that made the male flinch.

" Eren we can get through this, it's only this little thing, we have some problems like any other couple " Levi said trying to convince eren not to go.

" Some problems? You mean how you've been straight up ignoring me. How you've been cheating on me. How you been lying to me.  " eren replied in a cold voice. Levi was shocked he had no idea eren knew about the cheating, lying etc.

" How did you?" Levi stopped in the middle of his sentence.

" I had already suspected it all but erwin told me the truth " eren explained

" dammit " Levi said as he slammed his fist into the desk. He thought erwin didn't know either. " Well it doesn't matter anyway, any money you put into our account is mines so you can't leave " Levi said, he's was trying anything to get eren to stay.

" You can keep the money I don't care " eren replied

" if you don't have money you can't go anywhere " Levi said

" it doesn't matter because I can take care of myself and I can get a man to do it too " eren said as he walked out the room. Levi was about to chase after him but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw eren walk up to erwin and hug him before giving him a kiss.

" Sorry Levi you were the last to know eren left you for erwin " Patra said as she walked past, Levi stared at the couple confused and shocked. Erwin and eren left without another word, erwin didn't come back to that building again Levi figured out since eren wanted to travel the world and erwin had business everywhere, erwin had took eren to see the world. And Levi was left alone with his regret, his regret that he let the best thing in his life slip away.

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