AN: Please read me

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                    I know I haven't been updating that much recently. My defense I lost my note books that have my stories and am still trying to find them also I am in between places at the moment. But this AN isn't about me. It's about those who are going through some form of hardships.

                     I know there are some out there who are going through things at the moment. Whether it be depression, dealing with a lost one, moving to a new place, family problems..... Feeling alone. But that's the thing, YOUR NOT ALONE!! There are others out there feeling just like you, and some just want somebody there to listen to them, to tell them that everything id going to be okay, to give them hope. I know that's what I want even know. Yes I am one of them you is dealing with all of this but there are other's out there who have it so much worse then I do.

                    Please, PLEASE, Don't make the mistakes I have. I gave up at a young age after all of my torment began. I didn't go to anybody for help, and if I did they wouldn't help me. They said that I was lying  or they would just brush me off. I am making this to let all of you out there know that you are not alone, I am here for you. If you need help, advice, A Friend, or just someone to listen to you, I am here. Come tome and I will help as much as I can

                     For those of you who think that people like this are just seeking attention or they are faking it then you need to put yourself in the other persons shoes. They could be dealing with bullying, family troubles, abuse, ect. They could be keeping secrets from others to make sure nobody else will leave them or they could be dealing with bullies that harass them even outside of school, like ganging up on them and calling them names, or even getting physical with them and that person can't get help and it tears them apart from the inside cause they are afraid. You never know what that person is going through so don't judge them just cause you don't understand why they are the way they are. And if you don't have something nice to say or you want to help them, then keep your mouths shut or you can make it worse.

                     I have lost a friend from suicide cause of all of these things and they couldn't take it anymore. They tried to get help but nobody would listen and the other kids picked on them for being different. And yes some people might need a rough reality check every once in a while cause they could be hiding it so well that even they can't tell anymore. Don't get me wrong they shouldn't be treated like porcelain dolls but they shouldn't be treated like crap either. Everybody has a heart and they have feeling too, so don't be a bunch of jerks.

                    And like i said before to those of you out there like this, Talk to me, I'm more then willing to listen, I care, and nobody should go through any of this alone.


           Marceline Raven

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