Chapter 1: How To Be A ~Great~ Liar 101

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{Jungkook's POV}

"Alright, I feel the need to express my thoughts for a second here because it's terribly obvious that my superior input is desperately required. Jungkook, you're a smart person. You're attractive too, and to top it all off, you're legitimately the most pleasant person out of our friend group... not that I would ever admit that in the presence of Hobi, due to the fact that he would have my head for even suggesting such a thing. Your head as well, to compensate for stealing his title. So why, oh why, are you not in a relationship?"

At those last words, I finally lifted my head from my novel to pinch the bridge of my nose, preventing a headache from forming. But alas, my headache had already arrived, going by the name of Min Yoongi.

"Hyu-" Before I could even get a single word in to defend myself, Suga hyung was already opening his mouth to continue his ever so detailed commentary on my lack of a love life.

"I mean seriously, what is wrong with you? Please don't tell me you bombard your dates with continuous recommendations of books that they just must read or whisper, "That's not what happened in the series!" at a movie because I will repeatedly hit you with a spoon." He poked me in the cheek with one of his long fingers, which I hastily swatted away in annoyance.

"Nothing is wrong with me. Is it illegal that I prefer the comfort of books and a dog as opposed to the awkward and unpredictable concept called dating?" I huffed as Yoongi rolled his eyes at my - incredibly rational - logic.

"Whatever floats your boat buddy. It's just tha-" Suga's unintended continuation of my own personal love lecture was harshly interrupted by Taehyung from the other room, who decided right now was the absolute perfect time to rant about the woman he had overheard saying that she despised Harry Potter with all her heart.

   Kim Taehyung is a downright blessing, in my opinion.

"Who the hell doesn't like Harry Potter it's like the mother of all book series you can't just dislike Harry Pot- oooh what are we discussing? Is it Jungkookie's nonexistent love life?" Tae's train of thought quickly took a different path as he hit the nail on the head just by looking at Yoongi's exasperated expression.

Forget what I said earlier, the boy is Satan in disguise.

Before I could even begin to glare at him, four overgrown rats, the rest of the gang I had grown to love so deeply, crashed into Taehyung's and my cramped dorm room and ended up sprawled out upon my lap faster than I could react. Judging from the way they all toppled in one after the other, it was much too obvious that the rest of the boys had listened quite keenly into my private conversation. All seven of us were oddly quiet for a solid minute until a voice broke through the blissful silence, belonging to Hoseok hyung-

"Maybe we could set up a blind date? I mean Kookie, you need to get out mo-"

Almost immediately, I jumped up from the crowded couch to stare wide-eyed at my hyung.

"No! I mean-" I took a deep breath to compose myself. The boys could find a date for me through a friend of a friend and she could be the friend of a serial killer. It's dangerous, people. And I would prefer actually not dying before the age of 30. "-That's not necessary, I swear. In fact, I've been on a few dates recently! And I t-think I kinda like her...? A lot?"

So that's a complete lie. I hadn't been on a date in 4 months.

My hyungs gaped at me. "What? Does Jeon Jungkook have a significant other? After 40 years? That isn't a piece of literature? " Namjoon practically screeched. Not even 5 seconds after my announcement, I was rapidly hounded with questions that ranged from, "What's her name? " to "Have you proposed to her yet? " And finally, "When do we get to meet her? "

Brillant job Jungkook. You just dug yourself a pit of death. "Give me a week, at most. We haven't been dating very long and it might be a little outlandish for her to meet the this early." I hesitated, praying that they wouldn't be able to notice my very sweaty palms that were currently clenched into tight fists behind my back.

Jin hyung clasped his hands together, eyes glistening. "Look at you, using big words like outlandish. About a girl. I think I could cry." Both Jimin and Jin clutched onto each other as they fought back tears that were threatening to spill.

I simply rolled my eyes. Outlandish wasn't that big of a word, does nobody read anymore? Besides, I had bigger problems. Where the hell was I going to find a girl who would willingly assist me in tricking my hyungs into believing I legitimately had a life outside of a book?

I glanced at my watch and smirked. Whenever I had a problem, I could usually discover a solution in a library. And right now, my solution was currently curled up on a beanbag in the corner of the Sci-Fi and Fantasy section.

Last-Minute Lies and Bookshop Boys {JJK} [UNDER RECONSTRUCTION] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن