Chapter 2

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Hey kids! For the eleven people who have read this, go check out Roommates, by @asunarules! She is an amazing writer, so I suggest you support her and her work, please! (But seriously, her vocabulary range is bigger than my future and her Jungkook fic is simply a pleasure to read so GO.) Anyway, hope you enjoy-

{Jungkook's POV}

   I breathed in the scent of aging, yellowed pages and smiled softly as I padded across the library's carpeted floor, instantly being reminded of all the fictional characters I had spent my tears on and the wonderfully broken worlds I had so deeply wished I could slip into. To me, books were more than just paper and ink slapped together- they were an escape, my own secret hiding place. A little slice of paradise within the pages that I could call my own.

   Shaking off my wandering thoughts, I set my sights for the fantasy section of the library, having no doubt I would find my saving grace buried nose first into a thick novel.

   As I turned the corner, my eyes were immediately drawn towards the small, beanbag-engulfed lump of a person tucked away neatly into the back of a bookcase, almost completely hidden from sight. But I knew, due to the fact that I was normally also tucked in there with her. I sighed gratefully as I made my way quietly to who might as well be my home away from home.

   {Y/N's POV}

   I had about maybe 2.5 seconds to even register what was happening until I was crushed underneath the weight of a man-child, his ruffled hair tickling my ear as he rested his face beside mine. I didn't even have to look to know who it was, already being all too familiar with the black hoodie swallowing his frame.

"Bad day?" I asked him, simply because the boy had developed a habit of basically trapping me within his arms when he was in a mood, almost looking for a source of comfort, which I gladly gave him. He was one of my best friends, our relationship growing so touchy and cuddly to the point where almost everyone in the library started cooing about how much they shipped us. Which, might I add, was never going to happen. (Wow good, mysterious foreshadowing there.) The two us met in this very library, bonding over our mutual love for the smell of old books. But after a friend of mine saw Kook and I out together for a coffee as friends, she jumped to the epic conclusion that he was my secret boyfriend and our wedding was set to be the 2nd week of May. So we both agreed to always to meet in the library, where none of our friends ever went because clearly, they didn't know how to have fun.

   Jungkook nodded as he proceeded to hug me even closer, making it immensely clear to the two elderly women happily watching us that we were most definitely not a couple.

   I wrapped my arms around his broad back and embraced him in response, attempting to squeeze the sadness and worry out of him. I had assumed it must have been something seriously bad to make Jungkook so downtrodden to the point where he couldn't even give a verbal response.

"Is there anything I can do to make it better?" I mutter into his ear softly, trying with my all my might to dampen his pain. Each time Kookie collapsed into my arms with the most defeated expression cast over his face, my heart couldn't help but break a little. He looked like a kicked puppy, and in those moments, everything sensible thought fled my mind as I desperately attempted to put a smile on his face once again.

   The second those regretful words fell from my lips, Jungkook's head shot up from the crook of my neck, his mouth spread into a grin so wide I feared his face might spilt. 

    "Actually, there's something you could do that would immediately fix the problem." He pressed his lips together, repressing a smile. Kookie's emotions were a complete 180 from his bleeding, depressed state just moments before. 

   Scratch kicked puppy, what the hell was this dipshit up to?

   Jungkook pulled me further into the forest of bookshelves and looked around for bypassers before whipping his head back to a very confused and somewhat fearful me with bright eyes. He then proceeded to tip over the bucket that was filled to the brim with his crisis and apparently crazy, genius (Crazy=Genius you are welcome Panic! At the Disco fans) master plan.

   I choked on my own spit as he dropped his solution on me and stared at the boy as he pulled away, a hopeful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Could he even hear the words coming out of his mouth?

   "Sure Jungkook, of course I'll be your fake girlfriend to give your friends some false hope, for the sake of saving your desperate, last-minute lie, and so you won't look like a complete moron." I huffed, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

   Jeon Jungkook does not understand sarcasm, I learned that day.

   "You'll do it? Really?" His entire face lit up, making it feel like I was staring at the goddamned sun. Not happening, fool.

   "No, you demented spork." I deadpanned. "This fake girlfriend thing is the peak of insanity. It's the nuttiest thing you-"

   "I'll do all your laundry, pay for every meal we have together and be your chauffeur for 2 months." Kook stared at me, pleading evident in his voice.

    I blinked, an image of the huge pile of laundry waiting for me at home flashing in my mind.

    "So, how long have we been together?"

Um, I got a ranking? WhAT? THIS BOOK IS APPARENTLY #15 IN FAKE RELATIONSHIP AND #64 IN FAKE LOVE???? W H A T ??? I don't know how the hell this happened but thank you!!!! Thank you my readers for taking 5 minutes out of your day to read my shitty fan fiction about a not so shitty man.
Also I realized my title is now irrelevant because it's a library and not a bookshop. But ya know what?
i d o n t c a r e
Anyway, please comment your opinions and criticism !! I'll probably be posting a new chapter every weekend cause my first day of high school is starting next week and uh
Thank you again! Hope you sporks enjoyed this, bye.🖖
   (Also, I apologize for the Panic! reference I'm emO OKAY THE HOLY EMO QUARTET IS MY LIFE STFU K BYE.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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